21 Best Ways To Increase Your Websites Search Engine Ranking

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In 2024, SEO has never been more competitive. It often seems that only the biggest websites with the most money rank high in search engines. This article is about how to compete with them, get your content ranking high in Google, and, at the same time, improve your site’s usability.

The last part is very important: site usability. The more someone enjoys your website, the higher it seems to rank in search engines. 

21 SEO Tips For Improving Search Engine Rankings Right Now

These 21 tips are the core of the SEO methodology that we recommend and implement for clients of our SEO agency partners.

I’ve compiled all the best practices to provide you with actionable steps to start ranking websites.

What’s included in our guide to increasing search engine rankings:

How To Improve Search Engine Rankings

1) Keyword Research

All your SEO decisions come from having the right keywords – from the topics you’ll be writing in your content strategy, to the pages you’ll be optimizing.

Keyword research is about finding the balance between relevance and search volume.

It’s important to choose keywords that are relevant to your target market, as well as keywords with enough traction and gets a significant amount of queries. These are your low hanging fruit and the ones that make up your bucket list of target keywords.

Here’s an example of the bucket list of keywords, and I’ll dive in a bit how we came up with this list:

Your most important tools when doing keyword research are Google’s Keyword Planner and SEMRush All-in-one Marketing Toolkit.

The first thing you need to do is see is determine the top performing pages of the website. SEMrush provides you a list of your top performing pages, as well as keywords that are ranking for those pages.

This is where critical thinking comes into play. Most of the keywords that appear there might not be relevant to the website, so you need to cherry pick the ones that are relevant and have a high search volume. Add these to your bucket of keywords, then highlight the ones that you want to rank for the most.

The next thing you want to do is build your keyword list. That’s where Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush becomes handy tools. The process is the same as how you choose your initial keyword list—go to Google Keyword Planner and plug in your keyword to see other keyword suggestions that you can add to your list.

When I write articles (and when I was modenising over 300 old articles), I used SEMrush keyword tool to work out what search terms I wanted to rank for.

SEMrush keyword research tool

Below you will see how by using this tool you get to see all the search terms related to the one you are searching, as well as how many people are searching for them in the search engines. Useful isn’t it?

Keyword SEO tool

2) Write SEO Friendly Headlines

One of the struggles in ranking a website is writing a compelling headline – one that has the right keywords and resonates with visitors.

Eight out of 10 people will read a headline, but only two will actually proceed past the headline .

How do you compromise a read-worthy headline and a rank-building headline?

You can go about writing highly-effective headlines in a few ways:

  • Start with a working title: You don’t need to finalize your headline when you start writing. A working title will suffice. This can be as straightforward as possible and include your keywords, so you can determine the best way to present what the page is about.
  • If it sounds off, don’t force it: Keywords are necessary to your headlines to make the page rank higher, but the problem with most keyword insertions is that they appear forced and awkward, sometimes not even making any sense.
  • Optimize for search and social: Straightforward titles work in SEO, but might not always be applicable in social. Your headlines should be playful and attractive, but still having a direct tone that gives users a hint of what the content is about. Find the balance between optimizing for search and social, and sprinkle it with your target keywords.
  • See how others are doing it and learn from them: This is why you have tools like Buzzsumo to show you content that has the highest engagement. Look at the top results, analyze how their headlines are written, and see how you can apply to your strategy.

It’s important for SEO not to have titles that are too long, again using SEMrush audit tool I was able to locate any articles that required fixing, see below:

Title length is important for search engine rankings

3) Page Content

Websites that rank are those that provide high-quality, relevant content to search users. When we say high-quality content, it should:

  • Be unique – no duplicate anywhere on the site.
  • Align with the search intent of the user and provides them with the information they’re looking for.
  • Doesn’t have grammatical or spelling mistakes.
  • Includes relevant keywords in the title, headers, and body.
  • Be accurate and with links to high-authority websites.
  • Prompts users to complete a specific action and directs them to the next steps in their customer journey.

Running a website or an online business is time-consuming, and if you are anything like me, you will want to outsource tasks when possible. We have bought hundreds of articles, and each one has gone on to attract millions of visitors. If you want to hire someone to write a good article quickly, then I recommend FatJoe’s writing service

Alternatively, you could use ContentShake AI (by SEMrush), which generates unlimited, ready-to-publish content using artificial intelligence. Since it’s run by one of the largest SEO companies, I guess it works well for getting high rankings in Google. 

Is Word Count Important For High Search Engine Rankings?

Quality or quantity?

That’s always going to be a debate among SEO professionals. Some will say that short is better, as users don’t have the time to scroll a wall of text. Long-form content, on the other hand, provides you with more opportunities to insert target keywords. Ideally, you want a page to have at least 1,000 words of high-quality content.

Don’t use the same keywords for more than one article

Each article or page on your website should not compete with each other. For example, two articles should not compete for the same keyword. This also applies to how you link internally.

If you have two articles about how someone could increase backlinks to their website, you need to either delete one, merge the two or change the focus and keyword of one article. 

So, for example, instead of having two articles for backlinks, call one backlink and the other link building.

4) Post Slug

A post slug is the part of the URL that comes after the domain name and shows a particular section of the site. This is one of the things that users see when they do a search.

Now, compare these two post slugs:



Which of the two do you think is likely going to get more visits?

If you guessed the second one, you’re on the right track!

It’s easy to optimize post slugs, but this is often overlooked by website owners. What they end up with is a jumble of words – or sometimes, numbers and symbols – that don’t make sense and are hard to remember.

Here are a few pointers when optimizing a post slug for higher search engine rankings:

  • Set the right permalink structure: The permalink is the full URL of any page or post of a website. It includes the domain name and the specific page. The permalink structure should match the goals of the site.
  • Keep it short and easy to read: You want a post slug that’s easy to read and remember, but it should still describe what the post is about. Remove stop words and unnecessary articles, such as “the”, “and”, “a”, and “an” as much as possible.
  • Use target keywords: Post slugs that contain target keywords are more likely to rank on search results and bring more qualified traffic to the page.
  • Don’t use the same slug for different pages: The slug should be unique to the page that you want to rank.

IMPORTANT: Think before publishing any page or post because changing it later is not a good practice and will require you to do a redirect. Moreover, the site might lose SEO momentum if you change or remove the permalink of the target page.

5) Page Speed

To create a positive user experience and improve website ranking on search engines, it is crucial to optimize website speed. John Mueller says a page load time below three seconds is ideal (40% of people leave a website if the site takes longer than 3 seconds to load). I think the aim should be to have your website load in around 1 second. So, how can you improve your website’s page speed?

Begin by assessing the website’s content. Do you have too many images or Flash content? Which plugins are in use?

Experts suggest that images comprise over half of a website’s weight, so optimizing them is essential. Images should be in JPEG or PNG format, and compressing them before uploading is recommended.

Minifying JavaScript, HTML, and CSS is crucial to reducing client-server requests for website content loading. However, it is essential to be careful during the minification process to remove only unnecessary codes.

It is also advisable to reduce the number of plugins on the website. If the plugin requires complex operations and external APIs and loads many content assets or scripts, consider removing it from the site.

The most important things to get right when optimizing a website to load faster: 

  1. Enable caching
  2. Use a Content Delivery Network
  3. Optimize your images
  4. Enable compression
  5. Reduce Pointless redirects
  6. Reduce Excessive usage of social media scripts
  7. Fix broken links (404 errors)
  8. Take care of your page size
  9. Leverage Browser Caching
  10. Select your hosting company wisely (we use Liquid Web)

Just so you know, when I switched to a better web host, I noticed my website became much faster, the bounce rate decreased, and search engine rankings increased. 

One way to check how fast your website is loading and for errors slowing it down is to use Semrush’s Site Audit tool. This tool has over 140 on-page and technical SEO checks to help you identify potential issues. To check a website’s loading speed, access the Site Audit tool, enter the desired URL in the search bar, and click the “Start Audit” button.

6) SEO Internal Linking

Websites need internal links to help users navigate from one page to another, shows information hierarchy across the site, and, most importantly, spread link equity across the pages. A common oversight that some SEO specialists make is linking haphazardly.

Creating effective internal links is essential for improving your website’s search engine rankings. To make the most of your internal linking strategy, it’s important to conduct thorough keyword research first. This will help you identify your website’s most relevant pages and blogs to link to using appropriate anchor text for a particular keyword. By ensuring that your chosen keyword receives enough link juice from relevant pages, you can create a comprehensive internal link map that boosts your website’s overall SEO performance.

Make sure that your internal links are not redirects. To see which pages have links like this, look at your SEO audit in SEMrush, as seen below:

SEMrush redirect status

7) External linking

Adding external links provides your visitors with another point of reference when they need to verify information on your website. There are two ways to go about external linking: one is having another domain point a link to your website (inbound) , and the other is to link from your website to another domain (outbound).

Dofollow or No-follow?

When do you link with a dofollow or no-follow?

You opt for a dofollow link if you want search engines to drive link juice to your website from an external source with a high domain authority. No-follow, on the other hand, is you telling search engines not to follow a website linking to you, or basically putting up a sign that says, “Don’t count this link.”

8) SEO and Broken links

Broken links happen if a page has been removed or its URL has been changed without a redirect added. When someone clicks on a broken link, a 404 page will appear to show the page they’re looking for is not available on the website.

Why are broken links bad? For one, these disrupt the user experience and cause the site’s bounce rate to skyrocket. Users who can’t find the information they need tend to leave the website. Another reason is too many broken links can hurt SEO rankings, as search engines may devalue a website that has broken links.

Use Screaming Frog or Search Console to identify broken links. Here’s how Screaming Frog shows broken links on the site:

Google Search Console also provides you with Crawl Errors on the website.

You’ll also receive a notification on your Search Console dashboard if there’s an increase of 404s on the website.

How to Fix Broken Links

  • Make sure the URL is formatted correctly.
  • Add a redirect to old, broken links and direct them to relevant pages on the site.
  • Remove the anchor text directing to a broken link if the page no longer exists.

9) Meta Data

Meta Data is composed of two parts – title and description. Some SEO professionals add Meta keywords in their Meta Data, but Google says it doesn’t consider these in ranking search results.

A website’s Meta Data should entice users to click and provide them with information about the page. The Meta Data appears as a snippet of text on search results and on the HTML code of the website.

See how the Meta title and description are written for the results on the top positions. These show snippets that match the intent of the user and provide enough information on what the page is about.

Here are a few best practices to follow when optimizing the Meta Data of a website:

  • Use your target keywords in your Meta Data—ideally, the keywords should be on the left-most side.
  • Don’t write descriptions and titles that are too long, as this will cause the Meta Data to appear truncated.
  • Each title and description should be unique to the page.
  • Write compelling copies for the title and description to maximize click-through. The title and description should provide information that matches the search queries of users.

10) The more backlinks the higher you rank in search engines

Backlinks are so important. Only a few links could be the difference between 1000 visitors from search engines every month and 10,000. 

Backlinks and search engine traffic

When it comes to getting backlinks, it starts with having something that someone could link to. Most of our backlinks are to our top list-style articles (read this guide about how we write them). 

Once you have great content, in our experience, the best way to boost backlinks for high search engine rankings is to use the following techniques:

  • Press releases
  • Guest blogging
  • Content syndication

If you want to outsource these tasks, use FatJoe.

Alternatively, you could try backlink outreach to get links your competitors already have.

Competitor outreach

What is the most important element of getting high Google rankings? It seems to be the amount of links your website has. It shouldn’t be; good content should come first, but it doesn’t.

Of course, many things are important for high search engine rankings, such as on-site optimization and the content itself. However, if you get all that right and get no links, you won’t rank high on Google, so how important is it really?

The problem for most websites is they are unable to afford to buy links. At least not quality ones. Large websites make so much money that they have huge budgets, and there really is no way to compete with them in terms of spending money.

So the question is, how does someone get lots of links without buying them or having contacts in the industry to link to you in the first place?

By email outreach.

First, you have to write an incredible article for your website.

Next, go to SEMrush and look for pages that rank for the search terms you want to rank for. Then, use their competitor analysis tool to see what sites are linking to them.

Now, email each website and let them know that you have a similar, more up-to-date article that you think they should link to instead or as an addition.

It works surprisingly well.

One last recommendation. If you are not keen on contacting all these websites yourself, FatJoe are offering a low-cost solution to contact them for you.

How to see your competitors backlinks

Lastly, social media shares also count and contribute to a page’s search engine ranking. SEMrush Social is an excellent tool for automating and scheduling your social media, which is a must if you want to get lots of likes and shares.

11) Tags

Optimizing tags is one way of improving how a website communicates with search engines. These tags are not visible to users, but they are to search engines. When search engines crawl a site and find these tags, they get information on what the website is about.

Here are some important tags you need to optimize:

Title tag: Each page should have a unique title tag, with only 50-60 characters (keywords included). What you put in the title tag is what will appear on search results. While it’s important to put in keywords, it’s better to make the title tag appear natural.

Header tags: Depending on how you structure your page, you can have H1, H2, H3, H4 tags, and so on. The idea about using header tags is to organize the content of the page. H1 tags usually serve as the title of the body content, while the subsequent header tags are the subheadings. Use your main keywords on H1 tag and embellish the subsequent tags with secondary keywords.

Schema tags: Optimizing the site’s schema tags improves a search engine’s ability to understand what the website is about and improves how the website is displayed on search results.

Nofollow link tags: Nofollow tags are important if you have backlinks that you don’t want search engines to count. Use this tag if you have links going to websites with a low domain authority.

See below how we track external links with nofollow attributes using SEMrush.

SEMrush external links tool

Anchor text tags: When linking, pay attention to the anchor text. Your anchor text should provide context to where you’re linking; otherwise, search engines won’t see the connection and relevance of the link. Below is another screenshot from SEMrush, it is able to show me all pages missing anchor text.

SEMrush anchor text

Canonical tags: These are used if the website has duplicate pages. You add this tag to help search engines identify which URL to consider as the master page among the duplicates.

Do a deep dive of the website to ensure its tags are optimized appropriately. Use Yoast for an way of adding tags on the website.

12) Image Optimization To Improve Search Engine Rankings

Google doesn’t have the ability to understand what the image is and how it relates to the page, but you can do this by adding alternate text or “ alt” text to images. The alt text provides a short description that appears on the image’s code, so search bots can “see” and “understand” what is being shown.

Another attribute that you have to optimize is the image title. The image title doesn’t appear when the image doesn’t load or appear; it appears when a user hovers over the image.

This is how the HTML image tag should look like:

<img class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-1234? src=”https://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/seo.jpg” alt=”alternate text for image” width=”300? height=”199? title=”your image title attribute goes here” />

One way to determine if the site has missing alt text is through a tool called Screaming Frog. This can do a quick crawl of the site and generate a file that shows a list of all images on the site. This makes it easier to check which image doesn’t have an alt text and which needs improving.

Pro-tip : When uploading images, rename the image files with relevant keywords or key phrases that you’re targeting.

Apart from using proper image title attributes and alt text, it’s also important to use images that don’t have a heavy file size. Heavy images will make the website load slower and cause users to bounce from the site. Before uploading, compress the image to reduce its file size.

Tools like TinyPNG.com are handy for compressing images.

SEMrush tool for increasing search rankings

13) Mobile Optimization

With Google’s mobile-first indexing, neglecting mobile optimization is out of the question. If the site is already mobile-optimized, good job! If not, you’ll have to start working on keeping it on par with mobile-optimized sites.

Here are a few tips to optimize your site for mobile to increase search engine rankings:

  • Minimize intrusive ads that hinder the experience of mobile users. If you want to have ads, it’s best to keep them at the bottom of the page.
  • Make sure pop-up software is Mobile Friendly. No Flash.
  • Code instead of using images, as this helps in improving page speed.
  • Your content should be direct to the point but catchy and memorable.
  • The site should be responsive to all types of screens and orientations.
  • Text should be clear and legible—you don’t want users to zoom in on the page when they’re browsing.

14) Increase search rankings with a table of contents

This was one of the easiest ways we increased our search engine rankings and click-through rate in Google. It also improved my website’s usability. 

So, what is a table of contents? It is a table you add to the beginning of every page on your website that links to the different sections of an article using the headlines. 

To add a table of contents, go to plugins and search for “table of contents”. 

Once you have installed and activated it, you will be able to add it to every article automatically, or instead, you could add it manually to each article, which is how I like to use it.

I then use the links from the table of contents to create my own table of contents, with images and text, because it’s more user-friendly and visually nicer to look at. You will see an example of this at the start of this article. 

Below, you will see the benefits. By using a table of contents, these links then get featured in Google search results, meaning there are more links for someone to click, which means more traffic.

Table of contents in search rankings


Users are becoming savvier with how they browse and share information. With privacy becoming a main concern of many online users, maintaining a secure site is key.It’s important to check if the site has a security certification. If there’s none, you have to get this certificate from a certificate authority, which will verify the ownership of the web address.

There are three types of SSL certificates:

  • Domain Validation SSL Certificate : This certificate entails the website has been registered by a person with admin access.
  • Organization Validation SSL Certificate : This certificate validates the ownership of the domain and provides information, such as the website owner’s name, city, state, and country. This is usually used for commercial websites.
  • Extended Validation SSL Certificate : This certificate displays the verified owner of the website on browser address bars. This is ideal for high profile websites that are prone to phishing attacks and handle online financial transactions, such as banks.

Make sure your HTTPS site isn’t blocked from crawlers in your robots.txt files. Avoid using the noindex meta tag to ensure search engines are able to index your pages.

16) Fix Duplicate Content

Duplicate content has always been a thorn on the side of digital marketers and website owners. But why do you need to be mindful of duplicate content? For one, search engines will have trouble distinguishing which version to include or exclude in their indexing. This, in turn, makes it difficult to determine which version to rank on search results. Second, duplicate content confuses users, which hinders their search experience. Most importantly, link equity becomes diluted among all duplicates, which impact the visibility of the original version.

How to Fix Duplicate Content:

  • Set up a 301 redirect.
  • Use the rel=”canonical” tag to specify which URL serves as a copy of the original.
  • Don’t use the same content over and over across your pages – even in your Meta Data.
  • If you have pages with similar content, expand the content of each page, or consolidate the information into one page.

17) Pagination

The more structure a website, the easier it is for users to navigate and get the information they need. If done right, pagination can bring about an amazing experience for users. This is why most websites implement pagination to provide users with additional navigation when browsing single sections of a page with long-form content.

When doing pagination, one of the important elements is a visible navigation. Placement is key when it comes to this aspect—do you only add pagination at top or the bottom of the page? If the pages are long and require continuous scrolling, it’s best to add pagination at the top and bottom.

As the purpose of pagination is to make it easier for users to navigate the site, it needs to show where they are and where they can go next. Users should easily identify the current page, so they know of where they are on the site. This also includes adding the Previous and Next links separated from the page numbers.

Another good practice for pagination is adding a “Go to Page” option. This enables users to jump to their desired page number instead of clicking on the Next link or the preceding or succeeding page numbers.

Finally, the first and last page numbers should be visible…

This gives users an idea of how much information they can get from the site. This also allows them to jump to the first and last pages without clicking through the other pages.

18) Reducing Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is how quickly someone leaves (or bounces away from) your website. 

A website with a bounce rate going through the roof is never good news. A high bounce rate can be a source of why a site isn’t ranking on search results. When the number of users bouncing from the site is high, Google discredits the website and delegates a low score that affects rankings.

Why would someone leave your website? Because they don’t enjoy it. Here are the best ways to make sure someone stays and enjoys your website, thus improving your rankings in search engines:

  • Increased page speed: Use Google’s Test My Site to do a quick mobile speed test and see which areas on the site need improving.
  • Improved readability: This means no walls of text and better content formatting. Use subheadings or bullet points to make content scannable and digestible. Add imagery and screenshots that support information on the page.
  • Compelling Call to Action: Be clear on what you want users to do on the site – whether to buy, subscribe, or contact the business. Entice users to click on the CTA by giving a sense of urgency or showing the value of the service.
  • Fresh content: Always provide fresh content on the website. By publishing high-quality, high-value content, you’re providing momentum for the website and keeping users updated with new information.Understanding what is an ideal bounce rate is the first step into identifying how to reduce users leaving your site, and keeping visitors on your site, engaged and ready to take action.
  • Reduce clutter and irrelevant content (time spent reading articles doubled): We recently updated many articles, and one thing we focused on was removing anything that wasn’t necessary. This includes pointless images and text. Many websites have a habit of including an image for no real sake, except they think it’s required. When you add content that is not relevant, you reduce the quality of your articles, so people spend less time on your website, and your search engine rankings decrease.
  • Improve spelling and grammar: If someone cannot read what you are saying, they will leave. We use Grammarly. 
  • Internal linking is essential: Make sure every article links to a bunch of other articles.
  • Ensure your article images on the homepage and category pages make people want to click on them: If they are just pictures, how will they get someone’s attention?
  • Make sure your website’s content is up-to-date and relevant: If it’s not, then users will leave quickly, telling Google that your website is irrelevant and doesn’t deserve to rank high on their search engine.
  • Use exit-intent pop-ups to offer users a reason to stay on your website: There is no better time to convince someone to stay on your site than when they are just about to leave. We use popup software to tell people about the best article they haven’t seen on our website. 

Adding videos to your pages is a great way to keep people on your website for a long time. Sometimes, we create video versions of our articles, giving our articles an additional traffic source while achieving our goal of keeping users on our pages. The longer they stay, the higher Google ranks our pages. FatJoe offers a service which converts articles into videos, which is an excellent option if you want someone else to create your videos quickly for you at a low price. 

19) Language Appropriation

English may be the universal language, but it’s not as universal as you think. There’s a difference between the American and British English in terms of spelling, word usage, and expressions.Why is it important to focus on language appropriation in SEO? Simple—you want users to be able to relate to the website. Using the appropriate language is the first step.

One of the tools I recommend using is Grammarly. This checks for grammatical and spelling errors, proper punctuation, word choice, and style when writing. Grammarly also allows you to choose your language preference – American English, British English, Canadian English, and Australian English.

20) HTML5 Sections

I’ve discussed a couple of HTML tags that you need to optimize at tip #12 of this post. On this section, I’m going to dive deeper into HTML5 sections that you need to pay attention to. The latest version of HTML has semantic elements that you can optimize to provide search engines more context on what a page is about.

I’ll be focusing on the following:

  • <article> : This tag is used to specify new blog entries in a page. You can use this for content that changes from time to time, such as blog posts, forum posts, comments, or news stories. With this tag, you’re signalling to search engines to focus on the text inside the article more than the other elements of the site.
  • <aside> : This tag focuses on secondary content of the page. This tells search engine that the content with this tag is important, but not as much as the other content on the page. For instance, when you use this tag inside the <article> tag, search engines will see it and note its relevance to the article, but will not focus much on it. When using this tag, the aside content should have contextual relevance to the surrounding content. <nav> : This tag tells search engines that all the links enclosed in the tag are important for moving around on the website, which is why you should use this for major navigation links.
  • <section> : This tag allows you to break down content into different sections to make it easier for users to scan and find the information they need. Each section tag should contain a header tag to help search engines identify what that specific section is about and understand how it relates to the other content on the page.
  • <footer> : This tag specifies content that is placed at the bottom or footer section of a website. It contains copyright information, contact information, authorship information, sitemap, and links to other related pages. It also tells search engines the content enclosed in the tag is not as important as the content on the top section of the page.

By using the appropriate HTML5 sections, you’re hitting two birds with one stone—making it easier for search engines to sort through the website’s content and providing users with a smooth user experience.

21) Modernising outdated websites and content

After about a decade of not working on some of our websites, I found that the sites were ranking poorly, with lots of mistakes. These are the changes I made to get my website ranking better in search engines again.

Broken links: using the WordPress plugin Broken Link Checker, I found lots of links that needed fixing.

Redirects: Using the SEMrush free audit tool, we found that we were linking to many pages with redirecting links.

Bad links:
 we found that we were linking to a lot of HTTP URLs, so we updated them to HTTPS.

Lack of internal links: using the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin, we discovered that we were not linking enough between blog posts.

Lots of pages are missing meta descriptions: from the SEMrush SEO audit, I noticed we were missing a lot of meta descriptions and so using Yoast SEO WordPress premium AI tool, I was able to write descriptions quickly and resolve these errorss. I assume using AI for this won’t hurt my rankings because they are knowledgeable about SEO.

Semrush Audit Tool

And that is my guide to ranking high in search engines in 2024. I will say it one more time: focusing on usability may well be the most important thing to focus on if you want high search engine rankings.

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