Or, at the very least, effectively frozen in carbonite like Han Solo.

Here’s what I mean:

Over the last couple years especially… several people both from my email list (and most recently on Twitter) have been asking me how to go about morphing their current info publishing business into a business like mine with a print newsletter, selling print books, etc.

And with rare exception I try to warn people away from it.

Here’s why:

The costs are way higher than they were even a few years ago thanks to inflation plus a worldwide paper shortage according to my printer last I checked. Plus, the logistics of shipping & delivery are different and far more expensive than selling purely digital. Currently, I do not heavily promote my elBenbo Press book about my publishing methodology because most people on my list or who follow me on Twitter are not ready for it — as they don’t even have an email list (just a twitter or facebook following). And they really think they can do it just by spanking out tweets all day behind a cartoon avatar, and not do all the hard work of aggressively growing and mailing a legally opted-in to list, and that was not scraped together with a bunch of cold addresses.

Then there’s the writing side of the print newsletter business.

Everyone wants to have written, yet nobody wants to write.

But if you are going to do a print newsletter you gotta write, and learn to love writing (and learn to love deadlines), and make it something you’d do even if you didn’t have to do it. You literally live and die by your writing in any kind of publishing business like I have. Some foolishly think they can “prompt” that sort of thing with tools like fapGPT. But people know fools gold when they see it. Dan Kennedy has long talked about how you can’t even let someone else write in your voice (a human, much less a machine) and get away with it for very long when it comes to a print newsletter.

And, as usual, he’s right.

My boys & ghouls in Email Players would not tolerate me pulling that nonsense.

Something else to think about:

If you are going to be in the print publishing business it helps to think like a publisher and not like a writer or “content creator” or copywriter or digital agency owner or coach or consultant or freelancer or anything else. Otherwise you’re just going to hit a ceiling real fast. I know this because I made that mistake myself for the first 6 or 7 years of publishing a print newsletter during my “one email per day” phase.

It was fun, and very low stress, but not-at-all sustainable.

And it put a definite limit on sales potential.

Whatever the case, here’s my doom n’ gloom opinion:

I think it’s only going to be harder and harder to launch and sustain a print model for the vast majority of marketers and businesses. I’ve spent the last nearly 15 years selling various print subscription offers and have things dialed in pretty good. But without that foundation and without everything in place like I have things now, I almost (not totally — because they should know better) feel sorry for people jumping in the print game thinking it’s going to be easy and fun because maybe I make it look easy and fun each day (?), when for most it will be the exact opposite.


This is why I tell anyone who asks me about it these days I’d go with a digital subscription offer — pdf, mobile app hosted content like we offer at Learnistic or social media hosted (like we offer at SocialLair and you can see in “real time” how it works at our Low Stress Trading site), membership site hosted content, paid videos, paid podcast… anything BUT print or physically-delivered offers. And this is especially the case if you’re milquetoast about growing an email list (a social media following is nice, but it’s not nearly as good or stable or reliable or protected from big tech shenanigans as an email list) and mailing it aggressively each and every day.

You can get away with some laziness & flakiness selling a digital subscription offer.

But not so with a physical newsletter.

Unless, maybe, you have a gigantic following so you can replace churn as fast as it happens.

But even then, churn is another thing that catches people by surprise.

But even that is not as big a deal with digital as it is with physical – as with physical you’re dealing with printing costs, fulfillment costs, shipping costs (going through the roof right now), blown deadlines from vendors you rely on, software glitches, flakey delivery people (getting worse by the month) and the list goes on.

In fact, here is a comment I recently got about this about delivery alone:

“We have just started to sell print newsletter 2 months ago, and now I understand what the pain in the ass all this delivery stuff is.”

He ain’t wrong.

There are a handful of people it actually costs me to send to when you factor in printing, shipping, and fulfillment – unless I charge them shipping, etc, which I have so far resisted doing. But, even by generously paying peoples’ shipping, I still get a few greedy and cheap-minded dinks – most of them in the EU – who think because I offer free shipping then that means I’m supposed to pay their country’s customs/delivery fees, too.

Probably next they will ask me to pay their taxes while I am at it.

The countries that require an “invoice” are especially grating.

I am not going to create a special invoice for every customer in every different country, based on each of their government’s invoicing requirements. People can either fugking copy & paste the receipt the carts sends upon the sale and/or when Email Players bills them each month into a template or cancel their subscription and go haunt someone else.

This is just one of many reasons I am aggressively banning EU countries like it’s a sport.

But it ain’t just the EU getting into the act.

In 10 years — assuming the US is still even a country, which I don’t think it will be — I strongly suspect I will only be selling to the US and a few, select other countries not run by communists. And even in the US I will probably end up banning entire states going by the sheeple-like voting patterns of their people, their openly corrupt bureaucrats that make doing business more trouble than it’s worth, and their growing regulations. I would not be shocked if California, for example, starts sending you a tax bill or claiming nexus just for sending a FedEx package that travels through that state to someone in another state.

People might chuckle or shake their heads at that.

But it’s probably more true than not.

Anyway, it is just not worth the trouble in some cases.

Bottom line?

I recommend go digital, get that dialed in, then toy with print later if you still want to.

My too many sense…

But whichever model you use (print, digital, whatever…) if you want to learn some of my best tricks of the trade for using email to sell with see the paid Email Players newsletter.

Details here:


Ben Settle


  • Email Markauteur
  • Book & Tabloid Newsletter Publisher
  • Pulp Novelist
  • Software & Newspaper Investor
  • Client-less Copywriter

Type in your primary email address below to open Ben's daily email tips and a free digital copy of his prestigious Email Players newsletter.

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NOTE: You’ll have to confirm your subscription to join the list. If you do not see the confirmation in your inbox, check your spam, junk or promotions folder.


Even when you’re simply just selling stuff, your emails are, in effect, brilliant content for marketers who want to see how to make sales copy incapable of being ignored by their core market. You are a master of this rare skill, Ben, and I tip my hat in respect.

Gary Bencivenga

(Universally acknowledged as the world’s greatest living copywriter)


Ben is one of the sharpest marketing minds on the planet, and he runs his membership “Email Players” better than just about any other I’ve seen. I highly recommend it.

Perry Marshall

Author of 8 books whose Google book laid the foundations for the $100 billion Pay Per Click industry, whose prestigious 80/20 work has been used by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs, and whose historic reinvention of the Pareto Principle is published in Harvard Business Review.


I think Ben is the light heavyweight champion of email copywriting. I ass-lo think we’d make Mayweather money in a unification title bout!

Matt Furey


Zen Master Of The Internet®

President of The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation

Just want you to know I get great advice and at least one chuckle… or a slap on the forehead “duh”… every time I read your emails!

Carline Anglade-Cole

AWAI’s Copywriter of the Year Award winner and A-list copywriter who has written for Oprah and continually writes control packages for the world’s most prestigious (and competitive) alternative health direct marketing companies


I’ve been reading your stuff for about a month. I love it. You are saying, in very arresting ways, things I’ve been trying to teach marketers and copywriters for 30 years. Keep up the good work!

Mark Ford

aka Michael Masterson

Cofounder of AWAI


The business is so big now. Prob 4x the revenue since when we first met… and had you in! Claim credit, as it did correlate!

Joseph Schriefer

(Copy Chief at Agora Financial)


I wake up to READ YOUR WORDS. I learn from you and study exactly how you combine words + feelings together. Like no other. YOU go DEEP and HARD.”

Lori Haller

(“A-List” designer who has worked on control sales letters and other projects for Oprah Winfrey, Gary Bencivenga, Clayton Makepeace, Jim Rutz, and more.


I love your emails. Your e-mail style is stunningly effective.

Bob Bly

The man McGrawHill calls

America’s top copywriter

and bestselling author of over 75 books


Ben might be a freaking genius. Just one insight he shared at the last Oceans 4 mastermind I can guarantee you will end up netting me at least an extra $100k in the next year.

Daegan Smith


Ben Settle is a great contemporary source of copywriting wisdom. I’ve been a big admirer of Ben’s writing for a long time, and he’s the only copywriter I’ve ever hired and been satisfied with

Ken McCarthy

One of the “founding fathers”

of Internet marketing


I start my day with reading from the Holy Bible and Ben Settle’s email, not necessarily in that order.

Richard Armstrong

A List direct mail copywriter

whose clients have included

Rodale, Boardroom, Reader’s Digest,

Men’s Health, Newsweek,

Prevention Health Magazine, the ASCPA

and, even, The Limbaugh Letter.


Of all the people I follow there’s so much stuff that comes into my inbox from various copywriters and direct marketers and creatives, your stuff is about as good as it gets.

Brian Kurtz

Former Executive VP of Boardroom Inc. Named Marketer of the Year by Target Marketing magazine


The f’in’ hottest email copywriter on the web now.

David Garfinkel

The World’s Greatest Copywriting Coach


Ben Settle is my email marketing mentor.

Tom Woods

Senior fellow of the Mises Institute, New York Times Bestselling Author, Prominent libertarian historian & author, and host of one of the longest running and most popular libertarian podcasts on the planet


I’ve read your stuff and you have some of the best hooks. You really know how to work the hook and the angles.

Brian Clark


Ben writes some of the most compelling subject lines I’ve ever seen, and implements a very unique style in his blog. Honestly, I can’t help but look when I get an email, or see a new post from him in my Google Reader.

Dr. Glenn Livingston


There are very, very few copywriters whose copy I not only read but save so I can study it… and Ben is on that short list. In fact, he’s so good… he kinda pisses me off. But don’t tell him I said that. 😉

Ray Edwards

Direct Response Copywriter


You’re damn brilliant, dude…I really DO admire your work, my friend!

Brian Keith Voiles

A-list copywriter who has written winning ads for prestigious clients such as Jay Abraham, Ted Nicholas, Dr. Stephen R. Covey, Robert Allen, and Gary Halbert.


We finally got to meet in person and you delivered a killer talk. Your emails are one of the very few I read and study. And your laid back style.. is just perfect!

Ryan Lee

Best-selling Author

“Entrepreneur” Magazine columnist


There’s been a recent flood of copy writing “gurus” lately and I only trust ONE! And that’s @BenSettle

Bryan Sharpe

AKA Hotep Jesus



I’m so busy but there’s some guys like Ben Settle w/incredible daily emails that I always read.

Russell Brunson

World class Internet marketer, author, and speaker


Type in your primary email address below to open Ben's daily email tips and a free digital copy of his prestigious Email Players newsletter.

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NOTE: You’ll have to confirm your subscription to join the list. If you do not see the confirmation in your inbox, check your spam, junk or promotions folder.

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