AI Blog Writing Tutorial: Use C.R.A.F.T. to Edit & Produce Amazing Content

Picture of Julia McCoy

Julia McCoy

Creator and Co-founder

AI blog writing

AI blog writing can get daunting really quickly.

Tools like Content at Scale have the ability to produce a 2,000-word blog draft in mere minutes.

The only problem is, this is a first draft — a rough draft.

All the material is there for a great blog to take shape…

…But YOU have to shape it.

Because an AI writing tool cannot create great, profitable content by itself.

It NEEDS the human touch. ☝

It needs a deft hand to mold the words it produces into something better.

Without your edits, the AI content your tool produces will be bland, wordy, and uninteresting.

But don’t worry — you can learn how to efficiently edit AI content to make it great, including cutting the fluff, adding personality and your brand voice, ensuring accuracy, optimizing for SEO, and adding visuals. (This is the crux of becoming a great AIO writer!)

In fact, I came up with a framework for editing that you can use to improve all of your AI blogs.

It’s called the C.R.A.F.T. framework. In this guide, I’ll show you how to implement it, step-by-step.

Let’s get into it.

Table of Contents: AI Blog Writing & Editing Using C.R.A.F.T.

Watch a Step-by-Step AI Blog Writing Tutorial Using C.R.A.F.T.

AI Blog Writing Tutorial: How to Use the C.R.A.F.T. Framework to Edit AI Blogs

aio craft framework

This tutorial is mainly for blog writers, but even if you’re not a writer, there’s plenty here for you, too.

I’m looking at you, business-owners-still-creating-your-own-content. You, too, solopreneurs. 👀

AI blog writer tools are lifesavers for small businesses — but you have to know what to do with the AI content once the bot hands it to you.

Even if you’re on the brink of hiring your very own content writer, understanding this process will help you set standards for your AIO writer’s work.

what is an AIO writer

So, what’s the process?

C.R.A.F.T. It stands for:

  • C. Cut the fluff.
  • R. Review, edit, optimize.
  • A. Add images, visuals, and media.
  • F. Fact-check.
  • T. Trust-build with personal story, tone, and links.

I came up with this editing framework after editing multiple AI-produced blogs so the quality matched my pre-AI blogs.

My writer and I exclusively use this framework to edit every single blog we produce with our AI tool of choice, Content at Scale.

Have you tried this amazing tool yet? Use my link to get 20% extra credits.

content at scale

Note: These steps don’t have to follow any particular order. Choose the workflow that feels most natural to you while editing.

For example, you might first Review, edit, & optimize, then Cut the fluff, Fact-check after that, and save Trust-building and Adding images for last (so C.R.A.F.T. becomes R.C.F.T.A.).

Let’s break down each step:

C: Cut the Fluff

Cutting the fluff is an integral part of creating effective content.

AI-generated content often contains unnecessary words or phrases which can be distracting and detract from the overall message of your post.

That’s why one of the first steps for editing an AI blog is cutting the fluff.

To do it, read through the post line by line. You should look out for superfluous words or sentences that don’t add value and delete them. These may include:

  • Fluffy words and phrases. (“Really”, “a lot”, “in order to”, “just”, “when it comes to”, etc.)
  • Repetitive wording. (E.g., “To build a dog house, you first need to build a frame. Build your frame using these building plans. Don’t forget to build or create your dog house to suit your dog’s size.”)
  • Off-topic tangents. (For example, talking about orange in a blog about the color blue.)
  • Jargon. (Words and phrases your industry peers or colleagues know, but your audience doesn’t.)
  • Unnecessarily long or run-on sentences. (E.g., “Building a dog house requires the right tools and plans especially if you want to create more than a simple structure however you could start with simple plans and add on later depending on your level of skill.”)

To sum up: If something isn’t adding value to the overall message of your blog, then remove it. Don’t be afraid to be ruthless, either.

For example, if an AI-generated sentence reads “The sky was a brilliant blue hue,” try replacing it with “The sky was brilliantly blue.”

Another way to reduce fluff in AI-generated content is by removing redundant information. Instead of repeating points, combine them into one concise sentence for direct and clear writing.

Let’s look at a real example from an AI blog. Here’s the original content that Content at Scale (C@S) wrote:

fluffy paragraph

And here’s the rewritten version with the fluff removed and the paragraphs shortened:

rewrite of fluffy paragraph

Here’s one more example. A fluffy paragraph that AI wrote:

fluffy writing

And here’s the rewrite with the fluff cut out:

rewriting fluffy writing

In conclusion, eliminating unnecessary words and phrases from AI-generated content does not have to be a time-consuming process. With just a few small adjustments, you can optimize your content for maximum impact and readability.

R: Review, Edit, & Optimize

During this step of the C.R.A.F.T. process, you’ll be:

  • Reviewing your content from a bird’s eye view.
  • Editing headings and section titles.
  • Ensuring the entire piece contains the right information for a satisfying blog post overall.
  • Continuing to break up long paragraphs and sentences into smaller pieces (this helps with readability for your audience AND you while you’re editing).
  • Checking for SEO and optimizing as necessary.
  • Continuing to check spelling and grammar.

1. Review and Edit the Blog’s Overarching Structure

To begin the reviewing stage, start with your post’s table of contents. This is your handy overview of all the points in the blog.

Look at them critically. Is every point covered that you would expect to be included in your topic? If the answer is “no”, dig into the body of the post and start tweaking.

  • Add missing points/headings.
  • Remove irrelevant points.
  • Tweak the wording of the headings for engagement and SEO.

Here’s an example of an AI-written table of contents (remember, this reflects all the headings in the actual blog):

ai-written blog headings

And here’s the edited table of contents after tweaking all the headings in the blog:

edited blog headings and table of contents

Tip: C@S has a tool that automatically generates a table of contents based on all of the headings in your blog. Don’t use this tool until AFTER you have edited your headings and are satisfied with the wording and the order of sections.

Then, delete the old table of contents and generate a new one by clicking on the “Insert Table Of Contents” icon in the “More Rich” toolbar (expand it by clicking the plus + sign).

insert table of contents in content at scale

2. Continue Optimizing for SEO

Lastly, keep search engine optimization (SEO) top-of-mind when crafting blog posts written with artificial intelligence.

Content at Scale does a lot of the work for you, but you’ll still need to double-check for correct keyword usage and add in secondary keywords and synonyms. You’ll also want to look for more opportunities to include your focus keyword in important areas, like the H2 and H3 headings.

To check your keyword usage in C@S, look at the right-hand window under the “SEO” tab and click the icon with the magnifying glass (“Optimization”).

content at scale edit post overview

Scroll down to the “Keywords and Entities” section.

keyword usage in content at scale

Your focus keyword will appear at the top of the list. After that, you’ll see a big list of secondary keywords, related terms, and synonyms which you can add to your content for additional optimization. (Typically, I will only optimize for a handful of these additional keywords. You don’t have to use all of them or turn all of them green.)

All of these keywords are color-coded based on how often they’re used in the blog compared to how often they appear in top-ranking content:

  • Green – The keyword appears enough times in the draft, on a comparable level to how often it’s used in top-ranking content.
  • Yellow – The keyword appears less times in your draft than it does in top content in Google. If you want to optimize for the keyword in question, add a few more instances to turn the outline green.
  • Red – The keyword doesn’t appear at all. Work it into the draft if you want to optimize for that term.
  • White – The keyword appears more times in your draft than it does in top-ranking content.

A number appears after each keyword, too — this is a count of how many times it’s used in your blog compared to how often it appears in top-ranked blogs on Google.

keywords and entities in content at scale


“Instagram content strategy 11/7 – 21” means:

The keyword “Instagram content strategy” appears in your content 11 times. In top-ranking content on Google for this keyword, it appears an average of 7-21 times.

Lastly, the “H” you see at the beginning of some keywords means that the keyword is typically located in a heading in content that’s ranking in Google.

After checking your keyword optimization, you should also check your title and meta description for SEO.

This is quick to do in Content at Scale. If you click the tab underneath “Optimization”, you’ll find another great feature: the “On-page Checklist.”

on-page checklist in content at scale

This is a list of on-page optimization tasks that updates with either a green checkmark or a red “X” depending on whether they’re done correctly or remain incomplete.

Here you can quickly check if your page title is the right length and whether the meta description includes the primary keyword/is the optimal length.

If you’re getting red “X”s, edit until you’ve got green checkmarks. Done. ✅

3. Check Spelling and Grammar

Finally, don’t forget about spelling and grammar.

Incorrect grammar and spelling can impede readers’ understanding and make your brand look lazy, so use a spellchecker before publishing to ensure your content is error-free.

I recommend Grammarly, which has a free browser plug-in that checks your text as you write in any window.

A: Adding Visuals, Images, & Media

The next stage in the C.R.A.F.T. AIO writer framework is A: adding visuals.

This can include anything from images to infographics, photography, GIFs, charts, graphs, and embedded media like videos or podcast episodes.

Visuals add much-needed visual interest to your blogs. They break up long sections of text and increase the readability of your pages.

In addition, visuals such as graphs or charts can help readers comprehend complex data points quickly and easily, further helping them get value from your content.

For all these reasons, as you edit your post, look for opportunities to include relevant visuals.

Next, make sure that all images used in the post match up with the overall tone of your brand. For instance, don’t use funny GIFs if the brand tone is sophisticated. By the same token, don’t use complex graphs or charts if your brand is fun and lighthearted.

Finally, what about stock photos?

They’re not the best option. Look at them as a last resort if you can’t find anything more relevant or helpful that further illustrates what you’re talking about in the text.

Rather than using stock photos, consider sourcing unique visuals that reflect the tone and ethos of your brand. Try sourcing original photographs or illustrations specifically tailored towards conveying a certain mood or emotion associated with your brand image. They’re worth the investment.

Editing AI blogs is just one part of a strategic content process that brings results. Don’t have a streamlined process yet? Get the blueprint to create one with AIO Blogger, my course for entrepreneurs and bloggers that want to build a profitable blog.

F: Fact-Check for Accurate AI Blog Writing

Accuracy is a must-have when creating any kind of content.

Any inaccuracies can lead readers astray, damage their trust in your brand, and damage your credibility.

Unfortunately, AI writers aren’t always accurate. That’s why checking AI-generated blogs for factual accuracy is a major stage of the editing process.

  • Start by double-checking sources and references in the post. Are they trustworthy and authoritative?
  • Verify that the facts included are precise and current.
    • If the fact isn’t common knowledge, it needs to include a link to a source.
    • Google the statistic or fact, and look at multiple high-authority sources to verify whether it’s true.
  • When including citations for sources, only link to reputable websites.
  • Look out for any outdated statistics or figures – these should be updated accordingly.
  • Not sure about a fact or statistic? Always check it by doing some thorough googling.

Here’s an example of a fact in an AI blog that I need to verify:

fact-check ai content

If the information is wrong, I need to update it in the post and link back to the source where I found the correct information.

Other considerations when fact-checking:

  • Always verify any quotes included in an AI-generated blog post with their original source. This ensures accuracy when quoting someone else’s words or ideas. (To google a quote, include a snippet of the quote enclosed in quotation marks, like this: “To be or not to be”)
  • Additionally, make sure any source you cite is relevant to the topic at hand – don’t just include them for show.
  • Remember, linking to your sources is also super-useful for readers! They can click that link to continue learning.
  • When your links are high-quality, that reflects well on your brand, too.

Verifying the truthfulness of any blog article you craft is an absolute necessity if you want to maintain your credibility as a trusted source of information.

T: Trust-Build with Personal Story, Tone, & Links

When editing AI-generated blog posts for maximum impact, one of the most critical elements is infusing them with your brand’s voice and tone.

This is how you set yourself apart.

Think of brand voice and tone as the cherry on top of the sundae. It’s the extra detail that will make your content memorable. 🍒

Plus, adding your brand’s personal touch is a great way to build trust and affinity with your readers.

Make sure you take time to review every sentence before publishing – does it reflect your company values? Does the language align with other messaging you’ve used elsewhere? If not, then tweak accordingly until everything feels cohesive and on-brand.

Here are some more ideas for adding brand voice and tone:

  • Add in your brand’s story and experience. For example, in a post about Instagram content strategy, I could add examples of what’s worked specifically for my brand on the platform — not just general examples.
  • Tweak the vocabulary in the post to reflect your brand voice. Maybe your brand never uses unnecessarily complex words like “utilize.” (AI writers love that word, by the way.) Thus, switching it out for “use” reflects your voice better.
  • Add internal links. Link to your own content! For instance, in my post on Instagram content strategy, I could link to my related posts on content strategy and social media.
  • Link to high-quality websites. Always make sure your external links are high-quality and authoritative. Don’t waste your link juice! Only link to sites you want to be reckoned with.
  • Add your branded images. If you invest in custom-designed imagery, this is a great differentiator for any blog that also adds a punch of personality.

Bottom line: Optimize AI-generated blog posts for maximum impact by infusing them with your brand’s voice and tone.

This involves understanding what kind of content resonates best with readers, using visuals that match the post’s overall theme, and incorporating language that is both consistent and relatable.

Put simply: Make sure it looks good, reads well, and reflects who you are as a company.

Use Smart AI Blog Writing & Editing to Separate Your Brand from the Pack

AI blog writing is a genius solution to the content problem most businesses face.

You need to produce a lot of high-quality blogs to build your brand authority, bring in traffic, and convert leads.

AI streamlines this for you, but you won’t see results with these AI-generated posts unless you add your human touch. ✨

Luckily, editing AI blog writing is a piece of cake with the C.R.A.F.T. framework.

With the right optimization techniques, you can ensure that each post is accurate and engaging while conveying your brand’s voice and tone.

By cutting out any unnecessary fluff, checking facts carefully, adding sources and statistics where appropriate, and infusing a unique brand style into every post, you’ll have high-quality posts ready to publish in no time.

And beyond high-quality content, what else do you need to build and grow a sustainable business?

You need:

  • Skills to create your core business drivers like your Ideal Client Avatar and your signature offer.
  • Strategies to create content, build your authority, and scale your business.
  • Systems to hire new talent and manage your team.

And all of these elements are at the core of what I teach in AIO Blogger, our signature Content Hacker course.

Everything you need to build your blogging business from the ground up is inside.

Ready to get ALL the pieces in place, not just incredible content?

Get in on AIO Blogger today.

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