9 Reasons Why Blogging Is SEO’s Best Friend

Posted : November 1, 2022

Word Count: 1120 

( 4 Min )

You’ve probably heard that “content is king.” But what does that really mean? And how does it relate to SEO? In a nutshell, Google (and other search engines) are providing their users with the best possible experience. That means giving them relevant, accurate results for their search queries. By writing blogs for SEO on your website, you create the foundation of an ecosystem for Google to analyze. 

Not only does blogging give you a platform to share your company’s story and build brand awareness, but it also has many SEO benefits. Here are a few reasons why blogging is SEO’s best friend.

Fresh SEO Article Writers Are Best

Like fresh fruits and veggies, freshness matters to those SEO crawlers. Old, stale content from old, stale SEO article writers will have your site quickly flagged and reduce your organic search visibility. 

New, relevant content posted regularly on your blog helps your site look new and current every time your site is scanned. Order free SEO audit today to learn how to grow your business from content marketing perspective.

Blog Helps to Rank on Keywords

Keyword rankings still play a huge role in your overall SEO strategy. Focus on several that highlight your target “theme” and try to work those in as often as possible, along with keywords specific to each blog article you post.

Long-tail keywords are more specific (usually longer) than your average keyword. For example, instead of just using “shoes,” a long-tail keyword might be “women’s size 10 black leather heels.” Long-tail keywords tend to have a lower search volume than general keywords, but they also have a higher conversion rate since they are so specific. 

Blog posts are your secret weapon. 

That’s because you can naturally incorporate long-tail keywords into your blog posts without sounding forced or unnatural. As an added bonus, since long-tail keywords are less competitive, it’s easier to rank for them! So if you want to start reaping the SEO benefits of long-tail keywords, start writing blog posts!

Blog Helps to Build Backlinks 

So someone asked you to guest post on their blog. Congrats! You say YES and deliver something truly remarkable. But wait – there should be more!

Any time you have the chance to blog somewhere other than your own site, you should seize the chance to include valuable backlinks to your site whenever possible. Reference data in another article or link to your about page. These links are SEO gold – use them well.

Just as you can insert backlinks into guest posts, you can also use them within your own blog articles. So long as you are linking to content relevant to the existing article.

Blog Allows You to Become a Through Leader

If you want people (and search engines) to see you as an authority in your industry, then you need content that reflects that expertise. Luckily, blogging gives you the perfect opportunity show off just how much you know about your industry! 

When people see that you regularly produce high-quality, informative content about topics related to their needs and interests, they will likely trust you as an authority figure—and turn to you when they need products or services related to those topics.” 

Increases Your Chances of Being Found via Social Media 

Social media is a powerful tool that can help increase traffic to your website—but only if people can find your social media posts! One way to increase the visibility of your social media posts (and consequently increase traffic to your website) is by including links back to your website in each post. The more links you have to your website, the higher your chances of being found via social media. 

One of the best SEO and digital marketing strategies is cross-promoting with other bloggers and industry leaders. Start by connecting via social media and commenting on their blogs.

Pro tip – you can also use those comments to generate more traffic to your own site.

From there, build mutually beneficial relationships as you promote their blog, and they, in turn, promote yours.

Search engines love social media accounts, and if you still need to use social media regularly, you should start immediately. The benefits are many, including chances to backlink to your blog, chances to connect with an audience that will share your work with their followers, and the ability further to position yourself as an industry leader and expert.

Don’t Forget About Images And Videos

Tagged correctly, images and videos are a fantastic SEO boost for any blog. By providing detailed descriptions, you are letting your site visitors know what to expect in your videos, for example.

You can also use that description to use keywords to the hilt without forcing them in robotically within your actual article text.

Sitemapping Galore

Do you have a sitemap? They are an incredibly valuable tool when it comes to SEO. If you regularly create and submit a sitemap, it is like providing the SEO crawlers with a literal roadmap that they can then look at and see exactly what your website and your blog has to offer.

Keeps Your Content Fresh and Up-to-Date

One of the things that search engines look for when determining whether or not to rank a website highly is whether or not the site’s content is fresh and up-to-date. That’s why it’s crucial to regularly write blogs for SEO and add new content to your website to maintain your rankings (and avoid being penalized by Google). 

One of the best ways to ensure your content is always fresh and up-to-date is by starting a blog. That way, you can regularly add new content without making major changes or additions to your website all at once.

Plus, if you ever do need to make changes or additions to your website (like adding new product pages), you can easily link to those pages from your blog posts! 

Every Site Needs Traffic

It may seem obvious, but your SEO goes down without site traffic. The more of a hotspot you can become, the better your rankings will be. How do you get more people to visit your site?

Provide killer content that draws them in with value-based information. Your audience will love you for it…and so will the search engines.


 As you can see, there are many reasons why blogging is good for SEO. If you want to reap the benefits of blogging for SEO, then start writing blog posts today! It will help improve your rankings in search engines and give prospective customers a chance to learn more about who you are and what you do—which could lead them one step closer down the sales funnel.


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