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Easy SEO for Small Businesses

by | Mar 14, 2023 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Attracting new customers is vital for businesses of any size. More than ever before, potential customers are shopping online. Those users make over 3.5 billion searches every day!

Search engine optimization is the key that helps you unlock the gates to a larger customer base online. This guide can help you learn how SEO for small businesses works and why it’s one of the smartest investments you can make.

What You Need To Know About SEO for Small Businesses

what you need to know about SEO

The purpose of SEO techniques is to optimize your web pages so search engines give them priority. Good SEO can help your website show up near the top of search results. For example, if you have a plumbing business, when people search for “emergency plumbing,” you want your website to appear first so customers choose you instead of competitors.

The Basics of SEO

SEO doesn’t need to be complicated. The key is understanding what Google looks for when it chooses the best pages for search queries. Follow this quick checklist:

  • Keywords: Important terms related to the search topic, such as “emergency plumbing,” “plumber,” and “pipe repairs”
  • Content: Digital information about the topic, usually in the form of blogs or web pages
  • Meta tags: A short description that shows up in search results and describes what your content is about
  • Meta titles: An optimized page title for search engines
  • Links: Highlighted words that direct visitors to a different web page, usually for citing trustworthy sources or bringing people to useful pages on your site

When your page has all of these elements, it tells Google that you’ve done your homework. High-quality content is more useful to readers, so search engines show it first.

How To Use SEO for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you have to approach SEO differently than huge corporations. Your advertising budget is smaller, which means focusing on affordable SEO for small businesses that gives you maximum bang for your buck. Where should you start?

Blog Articles

blog articles for SEO

Blogs are powerful tools for improving search results. They answer questions that your customers want to know about. Every blog article is an opportunity to grab the attention of your target audience. The more attractive your content, the more likely people are to click your link.

Another advantage of blog writing is that it brings your brand to life. Posts can be friendly, professional or informal, qualities that help you connect with your clients. Consumers and business customers are more likely to support brands that have values they appreciate.

Our monthly blog services help your business post engaging articles that stand out online. Our content creators perform research to cover industry topics with authority. We follow your company’s personality so every piece sounds like it comes straight from you, but without the hassle of writing blogs yourself.

Want To Use SEO Today?

Our monthly blog writing services are the SEO solution you are looking for. Our experienced writers can give you catered SEO content at affordable prices. 

Local SEO for Small Businesses

If your small business only serves clients in a few ZIP codes, it makes sense to focus your SEO efforts locally. Instead of spending money advertising to everybody on the internet, you center your attention on your primary customers. This is a smart investment, considering that over 60% of mobile users prefer buying from businesses with geo-targeted content.

Local SEO uses several techniques to help you stand out:

  • Google Business Profile: When answering search queries or providing map directions, Google looks for information about local businesses. Filling out a Google Business Profile is an important way for your company to grab attention. A free profile shows users your contact info, address, business hours, client reviews, photos, videos and other details.
  • Local keywords: One of the main reasons why local SEO is important for a small business is that modern customers are searching using location details. When looking for a business, they search with terms such as “HVAC companies in Chicago” or “best dentists in San Francisco.” Including these keywords in your content tells Google that your business is in the area.
  • Location pages: You can take location data a step further with geo-targeted landing pages for each of the cities your business serves. That way, your website ranks for searches in multiple areas. For example, Chicago is a huge market, so businesses can benefit from targeting the smaller neighborhoods of Lake View, Naperville, Long Grove and other suburbs.

Pillar Pages

pillar pages for SEO

These large blog articles or web pages can have a major impact on SEO for small businesses. They make it easy for your customers to find helpful information, expert tips and trustworthy answers. This can significantly increase traffic to your website. Here are a few options:

  • Buyers’ guides: Comprehensive articles can compare several products, show the pros and cons, and tell customers which factors to consider. A remodeling company could boost traffic with a complete flooring guide. Homeowners and business owners are likely to search for guides when deciding between tile, stone, hardwood or laminate flooring.
  • FAQs: These web pages provide a list of common questions and answers related to company products, services and related topics. Search engines and users both like this type of article.
  • Product pages: These pages highlight the features and advantages of specific products. They’re the digital equivalent of a salesperson, answering questions about size, materials, ingredients and more.
  • How-to guides: Step-by-step walkthroughs offer detailed instructions and professional guidance. They can help business owners and homeowners with important tasks, from cleaning carpet stains to filling out tax forms correctly.

Why SEO Is Important for a Small Business

seo digital marketing

Whether you have an e-commerce business, hotel, dental practice, construction business or B2B sales company, improving your website’s search rankings can provide many benefits:

  • SEO helps you get noticed: As your pages rank higher, more people learn about your brand, expertise and products. This translates into more potential customers. The majority of users click on the first few search results on a page, which is why SEO efforts are vital. The first result gets almost 30% of the clicks, while spot #10 only gets 2.5%.
  • Search results matter: Over 50% of the traffic to websites comes from normal search results. Improving your rankings can give you more visitors.
  • Today’s consumers look for stores online: Nine out of 10 clients rely on the internet to find local businesses. This means that SEO matters even if you have a physical store location. Mobile users often compare products online before going to the store to complete the purchase.
  • High-quality SEO content can improve your brand’s reputation: Informative and authoritative blogs impress people who visit your website. Expertise builds trust, which can win you new clients.
  • Content generates leads: Blogs and landing pages do more than attract visitors to your website. They’re also an excellent way to capture leads and make sales. Great content motivates people, and calls to action are the gentle nudge that turns curious visitors into excited customers.

It’s impossible to overemphasize how important great content is for search results. If your website were the Mona Lisa, high-quality articles would be her smile. Content is the Bruce Wayne to SEO’s Batman. It holds everything else together, from keywords to links.

Where To Find Professional and Affordable SEO for Small Businesses

SEO content doesn’t need to cost you an arm and a leg. At BKA Content, we offer a variety of packages and a la carte SEO for small businesses. Whether you need to enhance your website’s existing content, refresh product pages or show off amazing blog articles, our friendly team always delivers excellent quality. Buy SEO articles right away.

Charlotte Secrist
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