A recession could be on the horizon, with experts predicting a high chance that a downturn will strike by the end of 2022. This uncertainty can be a worry, but is freelance writing recession proof, and could it be an ideal alternative to your day job?

Freelance Writing During a Recession 

When a recession hits, it affects all industries to some extent. But for those who write, there is an opportunity to avoid the worst damage. Certain areas of the sector may struggle, but many others will get by fine, and some can grow. 

A need for quality work will always exist. During a recession, it is the type of content rather than the quantity that changes. It’s easy to see why articles on, say, real estate may suffer a decline. But money-saving tips or job-seeking advice will be all the rage.

Businesses still must buy content, and, generally, bigger companies that rely on quality will still pay top dollar.

Is a Recession on the Way? 

Most experts now agree that a recession is more likely than not. The chances are increasing, and now 68% of economists predict a recession will occur by the end of 2023. Some suggest it could even happen before the year is out, so it is time to prepare.

As a society, we have no way to know for sure if a recession is around the corner. But you don’t want to be caught napping if a slump is on the way. Preparing yourself for a period of unemployment through a side-hustle can provide a steady income and take some of the stress away.

By preparing early, you can’t lose. You still have a profitable side business if a recession doesn’t happen. In any case, you’ll be ready to tackle whatever life throws at you if the downturn does arrive.

How Will a Recession Affect You? 

You may be wondering what effect a recession will have on your life. Of course, it will vary for everyone. But as business sales drop, profit margins will decrease, and lay-offs become inevitable.

A lot depends on your current job. If you’re employed, you may find yourself out of work. If this happens, finding a new position can be tricky, with fewer opportunities available.

If you run your own small business, you could experience a downturn in income as demand dries up for your product. Whatever situation you are in, a side option to earn extra money will never go amiss.

Freelance writing offers the chance to take control of your career. You can focus on making money for yourself and move your attention away from the uncertainty of job-hunting. A market will always be available for well-thought-out articles on various topics.

You are also in control of how much work to take on. If you are in a declining industry, you can start writing part time as a safety net. Or if you lose your job, freelance writing requires little in the way of start-up costs before you can begin full-time.

You can push as hard as is suitable for you. If you want to throw everything at it or just want a lucrative side hustle, the opportunities are there to make it work.

Take What You’ve Learned from the Pandemic 

As the Covid-19 pandemic progressed, more people were working from home than ever before. If you were one of those individuals, the skills you learned during that time are invaluable. You now know how to plan your time, stay disciplined, and avoid distractions; you have a workspace ready, along with all the equipment you need to undertake freelance work; you should be able to start writing straight away once you decide it is the path you’d like to take.

No doubt working from home has also brought about its challenges. Remote work offers an element of freedom, so planning and preparation are crucial. These skills are vital to anyone looking to take on freelance work. If you find it easy to lose focus or keep checking your social media feeds, these are problems you can easily fix. Think of ways you can make your work at home more efficient and tackle them straight away. Getting off to a productive start will keep you positive and maintain your focus.

Kickstart Your Writing During a Recession 

If you’ve written before, you know where to start. But during a recession, it’s time to shift into overdrive! Whatever your situation, a few basics will hold you in good stead to get your writing off the ground.

Create an online profile

You won’t sell any work if no one can find you online! A strong online profile showcasing your portfolio is a must to find jobs. You can then share this link with potential clients and use it for advertising your services.

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Get testimonials

Clients will be more discerning than ever about what they buy during a recession. Showing testimonials from people who vouch for your work will increase buyer confidence. If they can see you’ve done an excellent job in the past, they’ll trust you can do it again.

Diversify your content

A recession is not the time to be a niche writer only. If the slump hits that industry hard, you’ll have nothing to fall back on, and the work will dry up. Write about everything that interests you to get a varied portfolio of work; you’ll be far more likely to attract repeat clients.

Focus on quality

During a recession, clients won’t fork out money unless they are confident the project will be a success. Spend a little extra time making sure your work is as good as it can be, and you’ll find customers coming back for more.

Source new clients 

Even if you already have a few clients, you will need to find more if you want regular assignments. Get yourself seen by advertising your work. Use social media to show off your profile, and you will find many more opportunities come your way.

Look to improve

Every freelance writer can improve their craft in some way. If you find yourself in a lull, look at ways you can enhance your output. A great option is to take online courses you can display on your profile. But even reading articles or improving your touch-typing is a great way to use downtime.

Stay Positive 

Plenty of opportunities for freelance writers will present themselves during a recession. Be proactive in your search for work, improve your skills, and write about the topics you enjoy. A positive mindset breeds quality work, which is the cornerstone of a successful freelance writing career.

Why Freelance Writers Should Choose Constant Content

Constant Content is the perfect platform to showcase your work. With an emphasis on high-quality articles, the site attracts the type of clients who will be least affected by the recession.  Signing up on the Constant Content platform, creating a public profile, and submitting lots of fresh, diverse content to the Marketplace is a great way to attract new clients. This gives potential buyers an overview of your expertise. Keep an eye on Constant Content’s casting calls, too, so you can meet the demand when clients have specific needs. 

Whether or not there’s a recession, joining the writing community at Constant Content offers you flexibility, opportunity, and a great way to grow your income.

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