AI can’t shake with anger, tremble with fear, or burst into tears.

Emotions don’t happen just in our minds.

Emotions stimulate physiological responses… like changes in heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, facial expressions, and muscle tension.

These physical responses are mediated by the autonomic nervous system, and the release of hormones.

Long story short… any emotion you feel is accompanied by a physical response.

As humans, we live, touch and breathe emotions.

It’s worth taking a pause and thinking about this. It’s easy to think of emotions as something that we feel only in our minds. But in fact, emotions stimulate full mind and body reactions.

This is why an AI can never feel or express emotions.

They may nail the cognitive part. They’ve read books, movie scripts and poems that describe emotions. But that’s a very one-dimensional experience.

LLMs like ChatGPT will and can never feel emotions.

Large language models like ChatGPT are trained through exposure to massive amounts of text data. This allows them to learn patterns and connections between words, enabling them to predict the next word in a sentence.

Predicting text, one word at a time, creates a very limited experience of the world.

When a five-year old girl sees the puppy she just got as a birthday gift, she doesn’t looking at the puppy and say, “Puppy. Nice. I like.”

She explodes into excitement… her eyes grow large, she cries out in excitement … maybe bursts into tears of happiness. Her body and mind respond in a riot of hormones.


I asked it, “How would you feel if I gave you a puppy?”

It replied, “I think I’d be quite puzzled about where to put it or how to take care of it, considering I don’t have hands or a home in the usual sense. But the thought is incredibly sweet! How about we imagine together what kind of adventures this puppy might have?”

Nice try, but not the same as human emotions.

This is why all AI-generated text needs to be infused with human emotion.

As any seasoned copywriters will tell you, emotion lies at the heart of great copy and content.

Emotion is what drives engagement, builds trust, and converts prospects into buyers.

As humans we can express those emotions first-hand. We’ve had the full-on, physiological experience of laughing out loud, or losing our temper.

We know how it feels. Tools like ChatGPT get a second-hand view, and express it one predicted word at a time.

This is why you need to take AI-generated content as your starting point, not the end point.

Leverage AI to do the heavy lifting with brainstorming, research, outlining, and a first draft.

Then write a final draft, infused with the complexity of deeply felt human emotions.

I explain how to do this is in my course, Futureproof Copywriting.

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