Five Reasons NOT to Hire a Content Writer

    This topic might seem like a strange one for a professional blog writer to even write about. After all, the whole goal of this website is to encourage more businesses to hire me as their writer.

    However, there are some circumstances where hiring a blog writer or a content writer is not a good idea. Here are the five most reasons people have chosen to not work with us, or to attempt to do their own content writing for their business.

    You Really Like Writing

    If you are a person (like me) who enjoys writing, then perhaps you prefer to take on the writing role yourself. 

    Or maybe someone in your company is already a decent writer, and you could spend some time training them up on SEO, keywords, and how to create content for a business blog. 

    Typically it takes writers one to two years to become a skilled content writer, so make sure to give them time to develop their skills.

    Also, remember that even though you like to write, you need to stay consistent. One of the keys to content marketing success is writing and sharing new posts every week (or multiple times a week). 

    If you are disciplined to use a content calendar and stick to a posting schedule, you probably don’t need a professional blog writer. 

    You Don’t Need More Online Traffic

    This might sound foolish because almost every business wants more online traffic. But maybe you already have great online reviews, or you pay for visibility through ads. 

    Either way, you might already have enough new client inquiries or customer orders to keep you busy.

    The only caveat I would suggest is that online traffic trends change, and what works well today can shift in a few months. So if you feel like you have an abundance of online traffic to your website now, make sure you keep abreast of the trends and changes in SEO.

    You Are Experienced at SEO

    If you have spent some time learning how blog content and SEO work together, you may not need the help of a professional blog writer. 

    The role of a content writer is more than simply creating excellent blog content, but to get your articles to rank in the search engines. Google, Bing, and other search engines love new content if it matches the search intent of your audience.

    If you are already good at answering customer questions on your website, then it’s likely your site will rank well. 

    As mentioned before, make sure you keep up-to-date on the latest SEO trends that can affect your website rankings. Listening to a few good SEO podcasts can help, and also, being part of Facebook groups like the Ahrefs Insider community can help also.

    Your Main Customers are not Online

    Even in 2020, many businesses don’t rely on Google to find new customers. Businesses that rely on foot traffic (like farmers market stalls) or referral businesses (like hairdressers) or companies that get business through expressions of interest (like construction companies).

    If your business mostly grows through word of mouth or other methods that don’t need an online presence, you probably don’t need a blog writer. 

    However, keep in mind that you could attract a lot of extra business that might go to competitors if you have a stronger online presence. 

    At a minimum, you should have a Google My Business account with positive online reviews, and a basic website that provides contact info about your brand. This will help people find you and know how to reach you if they are interested.

    You Prefer to Pay for Ads

    While it might sound crazy to say some businesses want to pay for pay-per-click ads, it can be very lucrative when you have the know-how. 

    The great thing about centering your marketing around paid advertising is that you can increase or decrease the volume at will. If you are having a slower period in your business, then you can increase your ad spend. You can also lower it when you’re busier.

    Of course, the downside of being dependant on paying for Google or Facebook ads is that you don’t own the platform. When you invest in content marketing and SEO, you eventually build an online asset, very similar to purchasing an investment property.

    It costs more upfront to work with a blog content writer, but over time the free organic traffic can actually bring more business than simply running online ads.

    Professional Content Writers Do More Than Write For You

    It might seem like the writing part of content creation is easy. After all, everyone writes emails and text messages every day. 

    What are the other benefits of hiring a professional writer to do the job?

    A good content writer will work on a strategy with you to target the ideal customers for your business. They will create a content calendar and plan to ensure your marketing sticks to the strategy. They can also help you measure the success of your digital marketing using Google Analytics and other content marketing tools like SEMRush or Spyfu.

    Most of all, if you hire a content writer, they will keep you on track. Every week they will write a new content piece that is shared on social media, and even repurposed into videos, infographics, and images. 

    They will make your business look up-to-date and current. This consistency will help build trust with new customers and also keep you top of mind with your existing customers.

    As you can probably tell, yes, I am biased towards hiring a content writer. But that’s because I know the value that working with a professional writer can bring to a business.

    Are you looking for a high-quality blog content writer for your business? Shorthand Content Marketing is a digital marketing agency based in Orange County, California. We offer blog writingSEO content writing, content calendars, and content marketing consulting to help increase your business leads. Reach out today to see how we can help your business grow?