How to Use Brain Waves to Enhance Your Writing Practice

Image: a flame burns atop a small, brain-shaped candle.
Photo by DS stories

Today’s post is by writer, speaker and coach Lisa Cooper Ellison.

Insights are the juice of a writing life that take us from not knowing to a god-like understanding of our stories. They feel like a lightning striking inside you and often cause you to say things like a-ha and that’s it!

While you can’t crack your head open and press the insight button, you can set the stage for insights to happen, and for you to do more organized, heads-down work.

To get started, let’s look at how your brain waves work.

Brain waves 101

Your brain’s neurons emit electrical waves as they communicate with one another. The five brain waves, from slowest to fastest, are delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. Understanding which ones support specific writing activities can not only enhance your writing life, it can prevent you from unwittingly robbing yourself of that precious juice.

Delta (1–4 Hz) is the slowest brain wave pattern. In adults, they occur during deep, dreamless sleep. When you get adequate deep sleep, you feel refreshed, focused, and ready to take on the day. Good sleep hygiene, which includes things writers might begrudge, like limiting caffeine after 2:00 p.m. (the horror!), shutting off electronics that emit blue light two hours before bed, and setting a regular bedtime, can improve how much deep sleep you get.

Theta waves (4–8 Hz) are the second slowest. They occur during REM sleep and play an essential role in memory formation. They also occur on the edge between sleep and awakening, and are sometimes seen as the gateway to the subconscious. This wave state is associated with creativity, intuition, daydreaming, and fantasizing.

Alpha waves (8–14 Hz) occur when we’re in a state of wakefulness but not really concentrating on anything. When your brain emits a healthy level of alpha waves, you’re more likely to feel relaxed and in a positive state, two things needed for insights to happen. According to neurofeedback practitioner Jessica Eure, “A healthy, robust alpha frequency allows us to tune in to ourselves and tune out the external world a bit while still being fully awake. This allows us to visualize things in our mind’s eye.”

Alpha and theta brain states are great for gathering ideas, making unique connections, or tuning in to what your subconscious has to say. That’s why Julia Cameron encourages writers to not just write in the morning, but to write as soon as you wake up. A groggy mind has access to those theta waves.

Beta waves (14–30 Hz) are fast and active. They occur when we’re in the wide awake state needed for focus and concentration. Harnessing your low beta waves (12–15 Hz) can help you organize your thoughts and increase your productivity. But sometimes we have too much beta, or the beta brain waves we experience are at higher frequencies. High beta states (14–40 Hz) are associated with stress, irritability, anxiety, worry, insomnia, racing thoughts, and being jumpy and hypervigilant. When we’re operating in high beta, the busyness of the brain can make it harder to focus.

Gamma waves (40–120 Hz) are the fastest of your brain waves. They coincide with periods of intense learning, problem solving, and decision making. They also appear alongside alpha and theta during states of flow.

Many factors affect the composition of our brain waves, including genetics, head injuries, illnesses, trauma, stress, and even the medications we take. You can’t reprogram your brain to have more or less of a specific brainwave without treatments like neurofeedback or strict, often hours long, meditation practices, but you can make the most of what you have by engaging the right brain waves for the appropriate writing task.

Capitalizing on your brain waves

For your brain to function properly, you need to take good care of it. According to Eure’s colleague, Dr. Rusty Turner, “The best things we can all do for our brains are exercise, eat well, disconnect from technology, and have good sleep hygiene.” That’s step one. Next, try to engage the brain waves best suited for your writing session.

If you’re generating new material, spend some time in your upper alpha or low beta brain wave states. This happens when you’re relaxed and feeling both wide awake and focused. (More on how to do this in a minute.)

After generating and revising that new material into something that makes sense, you’ll need to figure out what it means, why it’s significant, and how it connects to other things you’ve written. You can’t force these insights to happen by poring over your work. That’s because the more you focus on a problem, the more you worry about it, which engages your high beta waves. Instead, step away from your work and focus on engaging your alpha waves, with the occasional help from theta. This is where morning pages can come in handy. While Julia Cameron sees them as an emptying of the trash so you can get to real writing, giving yourself permission to wander into story territory soon after waking might help you solve your work-in-progress’s biggest problems.

Meditation is often touted as the way to prep your brain for writing. That’s because meditation calms the brain and encourages alpha and theta wave brain states. But meditation doesn’t work for everyone. In fact, it can be detrimental to trauma survivors and can feel like failure for anyone whose brain has a lot of spindly high beta waves.

If this is you, skip the meditation and instead focus on breathing activities like alternate nostril breathing. This exercise will engage the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps with the formation of alpha waves. Other activities that can help you engage in alpha wave states include warming your hands and feet, getting a massage, taking a shower, and walking in nature.

For editing activities that require a high level of wide-awake focus, give your low beta waves free rein. If you’re getting enough sleep, all you’ll need to do is take a walk, especially on a brisk day, to wake your brain up.

If you’re working on a large-scale problem that requires deep focus, gamma waves are your ally. While the best way to access them is sustained long-form meditation, there’s a hack you can use to access this and other brain states: binaural beats.

Binaural beats are two tones set to specific frequencies, or hertz, that you listen to simultaneously. Studies show that listening to binaural beats can help you temporarily access specific brain waves, though this doesn’t teach your brain to go there on its own.

While you can purchase a binaural beat app, a simple YouTube search will give you plenty of options. To see if binaural beats are right for you, do the following:

  • Grab a set of stereo headphones.
  • Choose a playlist set to the frequency best suited to your task.
  • Listen for approximately 30 minutes while you’re doing a set task.
  • Notice how you feel. If it’s helping, keep it up. But if you feel agitated, unfocused, or depressed, that doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong. It just means that frequency isn’t right for you.

I personally like binaural beats set to music, though others feel best when all they hear are the specific tones. Mixing it up helps me maximize my brain waves and harness those juicy insights that keep me at my writing desk. My current favorites are this gamma wave mix for hard core editing, and a dreamier cognition enhancer when I want to find the stillness needed to create new work. If you give this a try, leave a note in the comments to let me know what you discovered and how this affected our writing process.

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David Biddle

Excellent and important information here for all writers. I used to be frustrated by early morning waking (when I had kids and a consulting gig). I’m at work on my third novel these days and even if I went to bed after midnight because I’m watching baseball playoffs more often than not my little noggin elbows me up around 5 AM and starts in with the character notions and weird plot ideas. One thing I do on days where I’ve only had sleep for a while is ride that alpha-theta mix with a mid-morning nap and then again a short siesta after lunch plugged into some funky theta wave beats on my headphones.

Love the idea of gamma waves for focused editing. Thanks so much for all of this!

Lisa Ellison

Thanks for sharing your excellent strategies. Sounds like they’ve served you well. Have fun accessing your gamma waves. 😊

Nancy Livi

Excellent article! It answers a number of questions for me. Thanks for sharing this, and I’m sure I’ll be re-reading it a number of times!

Lisa Ellison

I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Nancy! 😊

Susan DeFreitas

This is brilliant, Lisa! I’m going to recommend that all of my coaching clients dig into the brainhacks you’re sharing here.

Lisa Cooper Ellison

Thanks, Susan! That means so much coming from you. ❤️

Gilean Cookson

For me this is a very timely article. I have had to put my literary efforts on hold as I have been recovering from a concussion. To calm my brain I have been crocheting Granny Squares as a form of self – imposed occupational therapy. It is very gentle and rhythmic – just keep counting to three and every so often change colours ! I find it very addictive and have spent many days sitting for 8 hours at a time in a deep state of relaxation and have been sleeping very well. As an extra bonus I have produced 3 baby blankets and tidied up my wool collection !!!
I would love to be able to get directly to this state once I run out of wool.

Lisa Cooper Ellison

I love that your giving your brain time to heal. It’s such a discipline! And kudos for finding another creative outlet. I’m so impressed with your productivity! ❤️


Interesting. Has any research been done to see whether these categories fit in with the vagaries of the neuro-divergent brain? I have ADHD, and my brain is feverishly active nearly all the time. When something new and interesting grabs me, I can immerse myself in it for hours at a time; but when I’m bored, concentration flies out of the window.

Lisa Cooper Ellison

It appears that many people with ADHD have an over abundance of theta and high beta. Check out your this link and try binaural beats in the alpha and low beta range.,to%20normalize%20their%20brain%20waves.

Lauri Meyers

This was fascinating. I’ve got to turn this into an infographic or something to keep by my desk. Thank you!

Lisa Cooper Ellison

I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I love the idea of an infographic for this.

Shoshana Koch

I love this tool and your breakdown, Lisa. I just hopped over to the 2 sets you recommended at the end of this article and saved them. Thank you!

Lisa Cooper Ellison

I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Shoshana! ❤️

Sally M. Chetwynd

This article is fascinating. I don’t know the connections between the music I like and the work I’ve done – I listened to music throughout my school years, in particular classical, usually instrumental only. I will soon be sharing this article with the senior writing group that three other women and I facilitate in our town.

When I was in college (50+ years ago), I noticed that I could write while listening to bagpipe music, but I could not read to it. Bagpipe music is an aggressive call to action: writing is active, while reading is not. That’s how I explained it to myself.

Another curious thing I noticed at that time was: I could study in a small room but not in a large one with high ceilings (like a library). It was as if, in a large room, my thoughts had too much space to wander around, when I needed to keep them close at hand (or at brain).

Lisa Cooper Ellison

Thanks for sharing your observations with all of us. This is such fascinating work! I bet that the classical pieces you listened to included some resonant frequency your brain liked, unlike the bagpipes which were motivating but not necessarily in a way that led to creative progress. I’m so honored that you’ll be sharing this article with your writing group. I hope it sparks some great conversations or new ways to use these concepts that neither one of us have considered. Happy writing and happy listening! 🙂