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FATJOE is 10 today. Here’s 10 Things We’ve Learned:

A black and white illustration of a woman holding balloons and a cat, celebrating FATJOE's 10th anniversary.
A black and white illustration of a woman holding balloons and a cat, celebrating FATJOE's 10th anniversary.

As of April 5th 2023, FATJOE is officially 10 years old!

So much has happened along the way, it’d be impossible to cover everything we’ve been through in a decade working in the amazing world of SEO!

Whether it be changes to Google and the SEO industry, or to our office and employees, we have been fortunate enough to continuously grow by improving and widening our service offering, recruiting and training some spectacular people, and persistently pushing for success in an ever-changing digital world.

Below, we’ve put together 10 things that have been pivotal to our success. We hope you enjoy reading as much as we did reminiscing…

1. There’s More to Operations Than Pizza (Unfortunately!)


Here’s our first ever employee, Emily, with the endless stacks of ‘Sweet Pizza’ we’d send out with every order.

Throughout all her years of service, Emily has worked in just about every area of the business; recently becoming our Head of Business Operations.

Here’s a quote from the office’s Chief of Uber Eats Orders herself!

“It’s hard to believe that FATJOE is 10 years old today. How we’ve grown as a company, and an industry. We’d like to thank all of our talented team and clients for helping us become the operation we are today.

Our mission is still the same: Help agencies scale and deliver better SEO.”

Emily has been with us from the start and epitomizes the FATJOE culture. We don’t know where we’d be without her!

2. Websites Have Changed, A Lot!


When we launched our first website in 2013, the internet was a different place.

It wasn’t as easy to get online as it is today, and our user interface, much like the majority of sites we worked with at the time, was very basic…

Thankfully, development systems and technology are much more advanced, and the pool of talent in web design and development is much wider!

Today, it’s not only easier to get online, but it’s also far easier to find the tools and resources to build incredible websites.

Keep your eyes peeled for changes to the FATJOE website in the near future…

3. Standing Desks Are Great… In Theory

FATJOE's small office with standing desks

Our first office was only a few meters squared, but we managed to fit in our DIY standing desk solution.

However, standing all day does take its toll, and we dread to think of the condition our backs would be in if we persisted with this for 10 years!

It wasn’t too long before we reverted back to taking a comfortable seat.

A waste of genius? Perhaps. But do we regret it? Not even slightly.

4. Offices Should Be Fun!

Since our closet-sized office with standing desks, we’ve experimented a lot with our office layout along the way.

On the whole we’ve learned that it’s important to create a calm, comfortable and collaborative environment to help our team perform.

After the COVID-19 lockdown we introduced hybrid working, so that our employees can reap the benefits of remote work as well as a workspace they can enjoy.

Our current office was designed by one of our co-founders, and here are some things about the FATJOE office which just make sense to us…

@fatjoewho Things in our office that ✨just make sense✨ #office #officelife #officefun #worklife #working ♬ Che La Luna – Louis Prima with Sam Butera & The Witnesses

5. SEO is Worldwide!

When we launched FATJOE 10 years ago, we marketed ourselves specifically to SEO agencies in the UK.

Back then, there weren’t half as many SEO agencies or professionals as there are now, and not just in the UK…

From the USA, to Australia, to India, the demand for SEO and the resulting expertise has grown aggressively, and we’ve been front-row spectators to it all!

Today, we provide a wide range of SEO and Marketing services to a worldwide client base of various agencies, freelancers and in-house teams.

6. Eastenders Is Not Worldwide

Those of you who were with us many years ago will remember our unique and innovative pricing packages…

Needless to say, with demand for our services reaching overseas, we got a little sick of having to explain who Phil Mitchell was!

Today, our pricing models are a lot more familiar and comprehensible to all, with no mention of any UK soap characters.

Thank you for your service, Phil, Billy and Peggy.

7. Our Services Will Always Adapt

SEO has changed drastically since 2013, and our services have had to adapt along with it.

What moved the needle for our customers back then is very different to what works today, so we’ve had to continuously react and evolve..

Our link building services have constantly developed to align with the latest trends and best practices, while our variety of services is also expanding regularly to offer more digital marketing deliverables for our customers.

8. SEO Ages You

When our co-founders Joe & Joe conceived the FATJOE idea, they were still fairly new to driving, shaving, and drinking (legally).

And as we’re sure most of our customers would agree, SEO is not for the faint of heart.

All the years of link-securing, content-churning and Google-worshipping have been hard work, and we’re all the wiser for it!

Here’s one of our Joes recently explaining the origin of the brand name (you can watch the full interview here.)

9. Our Team Is The Best!

To both our in-house and freelance teams, we are eternally grateful for all the exceptional work you do, day in, day out!

That goes for:

  • Our team of talented developers who persistently improve and maintain our system
  • The support gurus helping customers and processing orders around the clock
  • Our incredible writers, outreachers, designers
  • Our in-house finance, marketing and operations experts

You have all contributed to our success, and we couldn’t ask for a better team to help us achieve more throughout the next decade!

10. Show Appreciation To Your Customers

We really appreciate you trusting FATJOE with your SEO & Marketing deliverables.

We’d like to celebrate today by giving you 10% off all of our services until Midnight 5th April.

Discount will be applied at checkout, no code necessary.

Daniel Trick
Daniel Trick

Head of Content

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