Paraphrasing Tool: Paraphrase Your Writing with AI

Create clearer, more concise content instantly with AI.

How To Paraphrase Content With Jasper

Jasper is one of the leading web-based AI writing tools, and for good reason. The GPT-4 AI model, just one of the LLMs that powers Jasper, has read millions of blog posts, websites, and other types of content to learn how people write. This allows Jasper to imitate human language and writing techniques to produce new or rewritten content via content templates or AI chat.

We might be a little biased, but we think Jasper is one of the best paraphrasing tools on the market. It offers a comprehensive set of tools and functions, allowing you to generate all types of content with the help of AI. Understanding how Jasper works can help you get the most out of it.

Jasper templates

One great thing about Jasper is that it always produces original content. You don’t have to worry about plagiarism. Whether you’re using Jasper to write or rephrase content, you know it’s providing you with unique phrasing you won’t find anywhere else.

What’s more, Jasper can improve upon the content you input. Here’s another look at the Content Improver template:

Content Improver template used for paraphrasing

In a blank Jasper document, paste in the content you want to rephrase:

paraphrasing tool output

Then, type a “/” and tell Jasper in plain language what to do.

Here, we’ve used the command, “Rephrase the above in an encouraging tone of voice.” (When you try this, you can swap the tone as needed to match your brand. To make sure you choose the right one, check out our tone of voice tips.)

Then, we simply pressed Enter to execute the command. Here’s the paraphrased text Jasper gave us:

paraphrased text tool output

See how quick and simple it can be to rephrase text? These are just a couple examples of the key features you can use in Jasper to refresh old content quickly, or to repurpose your content into other formats for different distribution channels.

Jasper’s Features for Paraphrasing Content

Quick Content Generation

There will be days when paraphrasing content feels overwhelming, and you find it challenging to rephrase ideas into new expressions that capture your intended message, regardless of the length or complexity of the original text.

Jasper is here to save the day! With Jasper's innovative features for paraphrasing content, you can say goodbye to the tedious task of rewriting text manually.

Whether you need to quickly refresh old content or repurpose it for different distribution channels, Jasper makes the process swift and effortless.

Brand Voice

Jasper allows you to create your Brand Voice from copy and pasted text, uploaded documents or simply by scanning your website to absolutely nail your tone and style so that your AI-generated content is completely on-brand.

Combining the Brand voice feature with our template library is a proven winning combination that we recommend any professional looking to step up their content game to try out. 

Creating Content in 30+ Languages 

The world is vast, yet the internet unites us all. Crafting content tailored to diverse audiences in their native languages is imperative for expanding reach and enhancing content accessibility.

Jasper's cutting-edge technology proficiently comprehends and generates content in 30+ languages such as Spanish, Japanese, Turkish, and Portuguese. No more inaccurate Google translations!

Leveraging advanced AI software for translation tasks can drastically streamline your workflow, saving valuable time resources.

Effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Writers aim to efficiently complete tasks without missing out on core messaging. However, ]te traditional approach of writing first and optimizing later is outdated. Now, you can seamlessly write and optimize content simultaneously, streamlining SEO editing.

Jasper's template library and SurferSEO integration empowers you to discover optimal keywords and phrases, enhancing content for broader visibility and improved rankings. 

This powerful combination frees your time for other key SEO-related tasks like integrating images, expert quotes, and additional data to elevate the uniqueness and impact of your content.

Real Examples Of Paraphrased Content From Jasper

It’s easy to understand what paraphrasing is in theory, but what does it actually look like in practice? Let’s dive into some paraphrasing examples created using Jasper’s content templates.

We took the original content from our blog post “7 SEO Copywriting Tips and 3 Tools to Help You Rank Better,” and put it into the Content Improver—a tool that rewrites content to make it more interesting, creative, and engaging:

On the left you can see the two original paragraphs from the blog post. We chose a Purpose for the rewriting (Tailor for a more technical SEO audience), and put it through our AI-driven paraphrasing tool. On the right you’ll see the final result.

Content Rewriter example

Here’s another example of paraphrasing using the same blog post. This time, we used the Explain It to a Child feature, which rephrases text to make it easier to understand:

Jasper Explain it to a Child template

This is a great template for anyone creating content in a technical industry. For instance, a medical or finance company could use it to create more reader-friendly blog posts out of a jargon-filled manual or guide.

What is a paraphrasing tool?

If you have solid writing skills, it’s possible to paraphrase content on your own. But it can be hard to paraphrase a lot of information when you’re creating content at scale. That’s where paraphrasing tools come in handy!

Paraphrasing tools are also known as paragraph rewriters, article rewriters, or sentence rephrasers. No matter what you call them, all these tools do the same thing: they paraphrase content to make it unique without changing its meaning.

These writing assistants make the process of paraphrasing content quick and painless—no more spending hours on paraphrasing pages upon pages of content. You can put the content into a rewriting tool, and in just a few moments you’ll have a unique passage.

How do paraphrasing tools work?

To paraphrase is to reword or restate something. So, on a basic level, paraphrasing tools look for synonyms for each word in the text you input. But this can change the meaning of the text. Sometimes it’s so changed it doesn’t make sense anymore.

To counter this, more advanced tools use artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret and retain the meaning of your original text. Because the AI is trained extensively in language models, these tools paraphrase more naturally.

Jasper takes this a step further with its lookback feature, available in Boss Mode. With this feature, Jasper “sees” the text that came before the part you want to paraphrase.

This context is used to deliver a more accurate output. AI does wonders for your efficiency, helping you crank out content faster than you could on your own.

Why You Should Use Paraphrasing Tools

There are lots of pros to using a paraphrasing tool to write stronger, clearer content.

Paraphrasing tools offer a game-changing solution for those seeking to enhance their writing efficiency and quality. By leveraging AI, these tools excel in understanding the context and meaning of the original text, enabling them to provide more natural and accurate paraphrases.

With sophisticated language models and features, users can effortlessly generate content catered directly to their target audience at a pace unmatched by manual methods. The use of AI in paraphrasing not only streamlines the writing process but also ensures coherence and clarity in the final output, making it a valuable asset for creators or professionals looking to boost productivity and create compelling content.

Benefits of AI-Powered Paraphrasing Tools

  • Overcome writer’s block easily
  • Ensured coherence and clarity in final output
  • Boosted productivity from time savings of using AI
  • Create crafted content in a specific tone or for a specific audience

Improve Your Writing Process Today with Jasper

What makes Jasper so useful? There are many benefits to using our software, but we think these three alone are worth the price of admission:

  • Jasper provides plagiarism-free content and built-in plagiarism detection (via your Copyscape account).
  • It helps you write and paraphrase content at scale, allowing you to create high-volume, high-quality content ten times faster.
  • Jasper can generate multiple variations of your ideas or existing texts to help you beat writer’s block.

Start improving your writing process today with Jasper! Say goodbye to plagiarism with our built-in detection, boost your productivity by crafting content at scale, and never struggle with writer's block again.

Sign up now for a free 7-day trial and experience AI-powered content paraphrasing today!

Try our other AI writing tools: Sentence Rewriter | Instagram Caption Generator | Slogan Generator| Paragraph Rewriter

How to use Jasper's paraphrasing tool

Open the Content Improver template

Content Improver paraphrases your content to make it more interesting, creative, and engaging.

Feed Jasper your original text

Enter your original content's text and choose the desired tone of voice. You can even choose from 29+ languages!

Generate your paraphrased content

Click "Generate" and watch as Jasper paraphrases and improves your original writing nearly instantly.

Answers to
Paraphrasing tool FAQs
Paraphrasing vs. plagiarism: What’s the difference?
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Paraphrasing is taking someone else’s ideas and putting them into your own words to create unique content. Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s words, phrases, or ideas without giving credit to the original source—in other words, stealing.

If you think plagiarism only applies to journalistic articles or research papers, think again. When your audience finds out your website, blog, or marketing content isn't original, it can hurt their perception of your brand.

To avoid plagiarism, make sure that you paraphrase any ideas you didn’t come up with. Rather than just changing one or two words in a phrase, completely reword the content with your own tone, perspective, and opinion to make it unique.

Also be careful not to borrow so much from others that their ideas make up the majority of your content. Even if you reword the ideas, it’s still plagiarism. What if you do want to use exact content, quotes, or phrases from another source?

Quoting other resources can lend credibility to your content—but only if you cite your sources properly. Always use quotation marks and give credit to the original source

What are the cons of using a paraphrasing tool?
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While we think Jasper is top notch, not all paraphrasers are created equal. Here are some of the cons you may experience when using other tools on the market:

Some tools will just replace words with synonyms. This could make it hard to read and understand the new content.

Many tools don't take your tone of voice into account. This means you’ll have to revise the content to fit your brand voice.

Simpler online paraphrasing tools don’t offer many options for customization. For example, they may not allow you to simplify the content or make it more creative.

Is using a paraphrasing tool ethical?
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Using paraphrasing tools can be ethical when used responsibly and with proper understanding of their limitations. These tools can help individuals save time and effort in rephrasing content, especially when used as a starting point for further editing and refinement.

By acknowledging the original source and ensuring that the final output is a unique creation rather than a mere copy, users can maintain ethical standards while benefiting from the efficiency that paraphrasing tools offer. Ultimately, ethical use of these tools involves transparency, integrity, and a commitment to preserving the integrity of the original work.

Jasper vs Grammarly and Quillbot: Which paraphaser is best?
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Jasper comes with more capabilities and more powerful tech than both Grammarly and Quillbot. Not only can you rewrite or rephrase content with Jasper, it can also be used to write long-form content and perform complex SEO tasks.

How much does Jasper cost?
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Jasper currently has two pricing plans: Creator and Pro. Creator costs $39/mo and the Pro plan is $59/mo. We also have Business plans (enterprise) with unlimited feature usage, performance insights and more.

Rated 4.8/5 stars in 800+ reviews

Jasper is rated the #1 AI platform for creators and marketing teams

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