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How to Send a Style Guide Discussion Straight to Hell

Arrant Pedantry

From time to time it’s necessary for copy editors to have discussions about style. Maybe an issue keeps popping up that isn’t quite covered by your style manual or house style, and you need to decide how to handle it. Maybe it’s been a while since you reviewed your house style guide, and you want to review it and make sure it’s still useful and relevant.

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Checking facts with players who are still in the game

The Idea Logical Company

It is four years since Covid and eight years since I have had staff helping me serve consulting clients. My insight into the commercial world of book publishing is no longer informed by daily contact with people making their living in it. In fact, a big chunk of my “professional” activity these days is helping authors decide how to bring their book to market, with “through a regular publisher with an advance-against-royalties deal” being among the least likely of the poss

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5 Ways to End on a Strong Note: How to Inspire Your Audience

Enchanting Marketing

For once, Howard feels happy with his writing. The opening of his blog post flows nicely. The tips are solid, and he’s finally got to grips with tightening his own content. Even the rhythm sounds good. Is he finding his voice? Now just a few final lines … But what can he write? Howard’s mind wanders back to last night’s dinner at Ning, his favorite Malaysian restaurant.

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The Best Days And Times To Publish Blog Posts (Based On Data)

Blogging Wizard

When you publish your blog posts can have a significant impact on your traffic and engagement. But when should you actually be publishing your posts? This isn’t the easiest question.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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19 Engaging Real Estate Blog Ideas to Boost Your Realtor Business

Neal Schaffer

Real estate blog ideas can begin to feel stale extremely quickly. Far too many realtors recycle old ideas, or offer the same stripped-down market analyses that leave very little to compel readers to carry on reading. How, exactly, can real estate agents develop blog ideas to boost their business and keep their audience coming back? […] 19 Engaging Real Estate Blog Ideas to Boost Your Realtor Business appeared first on NealSchaffer.

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AI Content Is Short-Term Arbitrage, Not Long-Term Strategy


But beyond the short-term dopamine hit of publishing a thousand articles at once, for most businesses, the negatives of AI content will very quickly outweigh the positives.

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Freelancing and the A.I. Revolution

Freelance Union

Answer our survey about how A.I. has impacted your freelancing here: [link] As artificial intelligence rapidly transforms industries across the globe, freelancers, who make up a significant portion of the modern workforce, are at the forefront of a seismic shift in the labor market. While AI continues to advance, it is crucial to understand its impact on freelance work, address the concerns freelancers have, and advocate for necessary regulations to protect your rights and livelihoods.

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Unlocking Global Collaboration With Grammarly’s Translate App Action


Effective communication across languages is crucial for successful business operations, especially in the United States, where 90% of employers have a workforce that includes non-native English speakers. Recognizing the importance of seamless cross-language communication, Grammarly has introduced the Translate app action, an in-line translation feature that empowers multilingual teams and individuals to communicate effortlessly.

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The Ultimate Guide To Email Marketing


Email marketing is one of the most popular marketing channels because it’s relatively easy to use, highly effective, and cheap. Continue Reading The post The Ultimate Guide To Email Marketing appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Pack a Bigger Punch Writing Character-Limited Descriptions and Posts

Content Marketing Institute

Brief content reigns on Google, YouTube, and other social media platforms. But how do you write great meta descriptions, excerpts, and episode descriptions within their character-limiting requirements? Read on.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 Ever wondered how to write a compelling press release, or what are current best practices for pitching your news to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each piece of news you pitch!

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A Comprehensive Guide to Topic Clusters and Pillar Content for SEO


To drive site performance, you need high-quality content that boosts site authority, offers an optimal user experience, and is efficient to manage. Topic clusters are an excellent strategy that can help you achieve that and more. This article explores how your brand can leverage this strategy. What Are Topic Clusters? At a high level, topic clustering connects related pieces of content using overlapping themes, expanding a brand’s digital real estate while maintaining a strong, SEO-friendl

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How To Balance Deep Copywriting Research With a Deadline

The Daily Egg

All the words you see on product packaging, the marketing emails you receive, the websites you browse, and even the advertisements delivered. The post How To Balance Deep Copywriting Research With a Deadline appeared first on The Daily Egg.

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How to Add Pizzazz to Deadly Dull Sentences: The Pooh Technique

Enchanting Marketing

Being boring has always been one of my biggest fears. Especially as a writer. So, for years, I’ve studied writing techniques intensely. I wanted to understand how to hide my boringness, how to write powerful sentences, how to make my words sparkle, how to be engaging. My favorite discovery? Well, there’s sensory words , of course, and metaphors , and stories in miniature.

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How The Blogging Landscape Has Changed & What It Takes To Win

Blogging Wizard

The blogging lifestyle isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s hard work and you’ve got to put the effort in over the long-term. Blogging isn’t a quick path to profit.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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15 Exceptional WordPress AI Plugins to Grow Your Business

Neal Schaffer

You already know that WordPress is the biggest, most popular content management system in the world. You should also know that there are many tools that exist specifically to increase its basic functionality that we call plugins. What you might not know is that there has been an explosion in the number and functionality of […] 15 Exceptional WordPress AI Plugins to Grow Your Business appeared first on NealSchaffer.

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How to Get Backlinks: An Honest Answer


First, we have someone offering us to pay for it: Then there’s someone else, framing their backlink request as a “guest post opportunity”: And finally, here’s the most professional one of the three.

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Like It or Not, Publishers Are Licensing Books for AI Training—And Using AI Themselves

Jane Friedman

AI-generated image using prompt “book publishing executives receiving lots of money from a technology company.” Apart from their love of oversized cash, notice their whiteness. The following article condenses material that I’ve been writing about for the last 18 months in my paid newsletter, The Hot Sheet. The train has left the station, the ship has sailed, pick your preferred metaphor.

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22 Leading Social Media Platforms For 2024 (Ranked By Monthly Active Users)

Adam Connell

Want to know what the leading social media platforms are? I’ve got you covered. In this post, I’ll be sharing the 22 most popular social media platforms in the world. Ranked according to the number of monthly active users. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about each of them and share some interesting.

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How to Leverage Behavioral Science Insights for Direct Mail Success

Speaker: Neal Boornazian, President and Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer - HBT Marketing

Direct mail has consistently remained a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, but in an age of digital dominance, its effectiveness hinges on the strategic integration of behavioral science. 💡 When you incorporate powerful behavioral science principles into your direct mail marketing strategies, you can prompt the hardwired decision-making shortcuts your audience relies on — and that automatically unlocks new avenues for engagement, conversion, and brand loyalty.

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New Legislation Introduced to Expand Freelance Protections to California State

Freelance Union

We have some exciting news! Just last week California State Senator Scott Wiener introduced Senate Bill 988 (SB 988) or as we like to call it, the Freelance isn’t Free Act. As in other parts of the country, where we have been successful in implementing similar laws, it aims to ensure fundamental protections for freelance workers, enforced by the State Labor Commissioner and the Attorney General.

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10 Email Marketing Tips That Drive 80% of Email Revenue


Mastering email marketing takes years, but focusing on just a few key tips can significantly improve your ROI. This post. Continue Reading The post 10 Email Marketing Tips That Drive 80% of Email Revenue appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Experts Reveal the Worst (and Best) Advice on Using Generative AI in Content Marketing

Content Marketing Institute

To some, generative AI is the sun around which the content industry should revolve. To others, it’s a meteor heading for Earth that should be avoided. Over 20 experts share the worst advice they’ve heard and give better advice to follow.

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English Prepositions: “In,” “On,” and “At”


The English prepositions in , on , and at are some of the most common words in our language, but they can easily get mixed up. Confusion can arise because not only are they all prepositions of place, but they’re also all prepositions of time; being prepositions of both time and place can make these two-letter words difficult to use. In this guide, we explain how to use in , on , and at.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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Goodbye Third-Party Cookies, Hello Content Marketing


We get it: Articles about the death of third-party cookies feel a little like a Boy Who Cried Wolf situation. Google has reportedly been rolling out this shift for years. The company first announced the move in February 2020—only to postpone the implementation timeline every year since. According to Forrester, in 2023, more than half of global marketers thought the whole thing was a bluff.

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Get Paid to Write Poetry: 14 Markets for Freelance Writers

Make a Living Writing

Want to get paid to write poetry? If that sounds like a far-fetched idea, you aren’t completely off base. After all, you’re not going to get paid to write poetry for most magazines, trade pubs, businesses, or blogs. However, it’s not impossible to land poetry jobs, get paid for your prose, and even get a byline for publishing poetry.

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43 Top Blogging Statistics For 2024 (Latest Facts And Trends)

Blogging Wizard

Curious about a few blogging statistics, such as how many blogs exist in the world and how many words you need in order to write the perfect blog post? Blogging.

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7 WordPress AI Website Builders to Experiment With

Neal Schaffer

If you’re looking to create a new business website, or even if you want to update your current WordPress one, you should definitely consider using a WordPress AI website builder. These programs utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to hasten various processes in developing a high quality website without losing any quality. What’s even better, […] 7 WordPress AI Website Builders to Experiment With appeared first on NealSchaffer.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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100 Blog Post Ideas to Get Traffic


You need to write about topics with traffic potential. The proverb goes, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

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What Do We Really Mean When We Say “Show, Don’t Tell”?

Jane Friedman

Today’s post is by author and book coach Janet S Fox. Let me just start with: I do not condemn “telling.” There’s a place for it in every story, and that’s mainly in the interstices between scenes. But there’s a reason we must show things when we are in scene and not tell: readers attach to clear actions and emotions. And that’s key to pulling the reader into your story.

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23 Best Giveaway Ideas For Small Businesses

Adam Connell

Looking for business giveaway ideas? I’ve got you covered. Running giveaways can be a great way to generate leads/sales, drive website traffic, boost brand awareness, or grow your email list/social media followers. In this post, you’ll uncover 23 of the best giveaway ideas for small businesses (with real-world examples). Note: You’ll need a social media.

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Most Copywriting Tips are Vague and Generic–Not These 9

The Daily Egg

Great copywriters aren’t born, they’re made. In fact, you don’t even have to be a great writer to nail the copywriting thing. The post Most Copywriting Tips are Vague and Generic–Not These 9 appeared first on The Daily Egg.

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Let's Get Physical: How to Blend Direct Mail Marketing with Your Digital Strategy

Speaker: Akeel Jabber, B2B SaaS Investor and Growth Marketer at Horizen Capital

⭐ Are you ready to boost campaign success? Consider the untapped potential of integrating direct mail marketing seamlessly with digital marketing strategies. Combining the physical, tangible impact of direct mail with the dynamic reach of digital marketing can be a game-changer, significantly increasing your ROI when done right. Direct mail grabs attention, making it great for reaching your target audience 📩 Digital marketing keeps the momentum going, driving action 📲 So.