February, 2012

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Why You Should Ditch Your Blogging Schedule

Men With Pens

For several years now, you’ve been given advice from probloggers (and not-so-probloggers) that just wasn’t very good advice at all. The advice made sense. The analogies were understandable. But the theory was wrong. I know, because I dished out that advice and followed it strictly for years. I was convinced it was good advice and that if I didn’t follow it, all hell would break loose.

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How to Set Up an Email Account that Uses Your Domain Name


This guest post is written by Kashish Jain of digiupdates. Most of the people who are new to web design and blogging don’t understand the capabilities that come free with their domain, so they don’t take advantage of them. How many times have you visited a site for www.something.com and on the Contact Us page, you find that the sales or customer service personnel have email addresses like username@gmail.com?

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Why You Should Embrace ‘Icky’ Sales and Marketing

Men With Pens

Icky. It’s a word that makes me shudder. I shudder because this juvenile term is being used by fully grown adults. Business owners. People who should by now know a little more professionalism and who should speak words a touch above my 7-year-old’s current lexicon. Really, people. Icky ? But using a childish term when you’re 40 or so isn’t what most turns me off.

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How to Cast a Spell Cast On Your Next Blog Post

Men With Pens

Want to learn a cool trick? It lets you cast a spell that makes folk soak up each word on your blog. And I’ll show you how to do it right now. But first, let me tell you why you need to learn how to cast this spell: Your blog will be a snap to read. Each point you make sinks straight into your fan’s brain. Your words will hit so hard that folk ask how on earth you do it.

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Do's and Don'ts: How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists

Speaker: Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, Author, Speaker

Yes - press releases are still relevant in the world of public relations! 🎯 With that said, have you ever wondered how to write a compelling press release? Have you considered best practices when it comes to pitching your news to journalists to earn media coverage? In this exclusive webinar with Michelle Garrett, PR Consultant, we’ll cover tips and advice to help you get the most out of each of each piece of news you pitch!

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Do You Really Care About Good Writing Advice?

Men With Pens

“Could you tell me what I could do better for next time?” I hear that question all the time. And by all the time, I mean ALL the time. It’s the invariable response when I have to (sadly) tell someone that their guest post just doesn’t cut it. They get the “Sorry, I’ll have to take a pass,” and then – sure enough – they ask me for my advice.

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Infographic: The Brain of the Beginning Blogger


This guest post is by Infolinks.com. Nowadays, it seems like everyone has a blog. But creating a successful and popular blog isn’t as easy as simply getting a domain name and ranting away on whatever comes to mind on a given day. Here, we take a look at some of the common misconceptions that beginner bloggers have on issues ranging from content and SEO to graphics and URLs.

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How to Handle Criticism: a Practical Guide


As bloggers, each of us has to deal with criticism. Blogging is a very public activity—almost all of us has the goal of gaining readers to our blogs—and the more people you reach, the more likely it is that you’ll hear criticisms. “You’re wrong…” “How can you say that? You don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I couldn’t disagree more…” “This is the last time I read this blog!

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Blog Smarter: A Step-by-step Strategy to Boost Your AdSense Earnings


This guest post is by Daniel Scocco of DailyBlogTips.com. Let’s start with a question: What’s the single most important factor when it comes to making money with Google AdSense? It’s organic traffic (i.e. traffic from Google and other search engines). Here’s a simple example to illustrate the point. Suppose you have an online forum which receives 500,000 unique visitors per month, but 100% of those are coming directly to the forum, either by a bookmark or by typing the UR

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How Gordon Ramsay Can Increase Your “Expert” Value by 23,900%


This guest post is by Amy Harrison of Harrisonamy.com. To the public, not all experts are created equal. What’s more, this division exists in all industries, and in every blogging niche. And it’s not just about working harder, or longer than other people. It’s about knowing how to rise through the ranks of the expert “hierarchy.”. To illustrate, consider for a moment the difference between a chef in a restaurant, a head chef in a five-star restaurant, and then Gordon Ramsay.

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The Anatomy of a Better Blog Post


The last couple of weeks have turned up some valuable blogging advice for those who are working to hone their craft and become better blog post writers. Not everyone falls into this category—some bloggers are happy with the way they write. Others publish videos or sound files instead of text. And that’s fine. But for the rest of us, I wanted to put together a little roundup of advice on each of the parts of a text-based blog post. 4 Post Headlines that are Guaranteed to Get Readers Excited

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o

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Is Perfectionism Stalling Your Productivity?


We’ve all been there … You sit down to write a post. You get the opening line down, but half-way through the second sentence, you go back to tweak the first. A bit further on, you decide to chop up the paragraphs you’ve done so far and rearrange them … but on second thought, is that really the better option? In two minds, you “finish” the post, then spend a half-hour writing and rewriting the “ideal” headline.

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Six Steps to Make Sure Your Site Is Ready to Go Viral


This guest post is by Nancy Sathre-Vogel of Family on Bikes. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Surely Google Analytics was confusing my site with another, way more popular site. There was no way my visitor numbers could be so high! And yet they were. One of my posts had taken off and was spreading like wildfire. Those viral post phenomena that happen to others were now happening to me.

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Have You Set up Timeline on Your Facebook ‘Page’ Yet?


In the last day Facebook have rolled out Timeline for Facebook Brand pages. There’s been a lot of talk about whether people like them or not – but the reality is that they are here and in a month they’ll be rolled out on your Brand page whether you like it or not. I’ve just pushed out version 1 of my own ProBlogger Facebook page here (I’m sure I’ll be tweaking it in the coming days but it is live) – but I’d love to see what others are doing?

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The Essential Ingredients for Building a Blog That Ranks in Alexa’s Top 10,000


This guest post is by Neil Patel of Quick Sprout. Would you like to know how I grew Quick Sprout to have an Alexa ranking of 10,000 in under four years? That’s not an easy feat. But the cool thing is I didn’t do anything that you can’t do now. My tactics will work for you , too. Fortunately, late last year I did an interview with Michael Alexis over at WriterReviews about how I grew Quick Sprout.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Blog Smarter: Turn Your Blogging Skills into Successful Affiliate Promotions


This guest post is by Regine Becher of Syndicated Partners. Like most bloggers, you probably want to make some money from your blog. Chances are good you’ve tried things like writing product reviews or putting banners or links to affiliate products into your sidebar. But while many bloggers have mastered the “Art of Blogging” (or at least the basic principles) successfully, earning money from your blog doesn’t seem to be that easy.

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If I Were the Blogging Police…


This guest post is by Karol K of ThemeFuse. Is it just me, or do you ever find yourself in a situation when you just want to lock someone up for the things they’re doing either on their own blog or while commenting on other people’s blogs? You know, moments when you wish you were the blogging police … anyone? I do. Quite often actually.

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Discover the Secrets of 9 Productive Bloggers: Blog Wise


79% of ProBlogger readers identify ‘finding time to blog’ as one of their biggest challenges. Last year I ran a survey among ProBlogger readers to identify what the biggest challenges that bloggers face are. A number of common themes emerged – one of the strongest can be summed up in these comments from readers: I just don’t have time to blog like I know I should.

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Blog Smarter: Invest in Your Own Success


This guest post is by Jeff Nickles of MySuperChargedLife.com. My blog grew by leaps and bounds in 2011. It was exciting! But it wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t made a few smart investments in my blog—investments, you could say, in my success. I’m a regular guy and a part-time blogger just like many of you. I’ve learned how to grow my site through trial and error.

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How to Leverage Behavioral Science Insights for Direct Mail Success

Speaker: Neal Boornazian, President and Nancy Harhut, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer - HBT Marketing

Direct mail has consistently remained a powerful tool in the marketer's arsenal, but in an age of digital dominance, its effectiveness hinges on the strategic integration of behavioral science. 💡 When you incorporate powerful behavioral science principles into your direct mail marketing strategies, you can prompt the hardwired decision-making shortcuts your audience relies on — and that automatically unlocks new avenues for engagement, conversion, and brand loyalty.

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Blog Smarter: 5 WordPress Plugins to Help You Make Money From Your Blog


This guest post is by Louise of MoneySupermarket.com. Why do we blog? Perhaps you feel you have things to say which the world would be interested in, or maybe you’re very passionate about a topic and your friends are sick of hearing you talk about it! I have a blog like that; it’s simply a sounding board for me to jabber on about a particular hobby of mine which none of my friends take part in.

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How to Systematically Build a Mountain of Links


This guest post is by Neil Patel of Quick Sprout. We’ve all been taught to create high-quality content to attract links. This argument is usually stated in the context of a blog that basically becomes an authority where you start to build a following around consistent, fresh content—think big sites like Problogger or Boing Boing. This is not the technique I’m talking about.

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How to Create and Host a Blog Carnival


This guest post is by Greg McFarlane of Control Your Cash. Everyone has them, except possibly R.L. Stine. I’m referring to those days when you’re lacking either the inspiration or the energy to write something fresh and/or inventive. If you can somehow get those days to occur on a regular schedule, say weekly, there’s a solution. Outsourcing. I’m not talking about running guest posts, nor contributions from freelance or staff writers.

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From Small-time Blogger to Professional Paid Speaker: My Journey


This guest post is by Marcus Sheridan of The Sale Lion. We’re all communicators. That’s what we do. Some of us love the feel of pen in hand. Others find joy as the fingers hit the key pad. But for me, the magic is in the communion that occurs in front of a live audience, a place where I feel more at home than any other. Like you, I’m a blogger. I’m also a business owner.

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The Resurgence of Direct Mail as a Growth Marketing Strategy

Speaker: Jeff Tarran, COO, Gunderson Direct & Margaret Pepe, Executive Director of Product Management, U.S. Postal Service

Learn the secrets to direct mail success for growth marketers! Industry veterans Jeff Tarran and Margaret Pepe are here to delve into how direct mail has completely evolved in recent years, and has rightfully earned a seat at the table alongside the email and digital marketing plans of SMBs, enterprise companies, and agencies as they look into strategy for 2024 and beyond.

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Looking Good: Simple Ways to Create Sensational Blog Images


This guest post is by Jo Gifford of Cherry Sorbet Creative. Blogs that look great attract the attention of the reader, it’s as easy as that. Your content might be amazing but if your blog has a terrible aesthetic you are missing out on a slice of magic to make people enjoy their stay. In 2011 visual social media platforms like Pinterest and insta.gram exploded in use, signalling a trend towards lifecasting in a more visual way, which applies to the blogosphere too; readers want your pages to l

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Is Your Blog Doing Okay?


Last week, I told the story of how I achieved my best month ever on DPS. While I used that post as a case study to present some ideas that I hoped you may be able to use on your own blogs, there’s a hidden hitch with that kind of post: it can give you the impression that you should be aiming to triple your revenue each time you hone a promotion on your site.

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6 Powerful Guest Post Tactics that No One’s Talking About


This guest post is by Tom Ewer of Leaving Work Behind. Guest posting is a hot topic amongst startup bloggers. It is one of the most widely-adopted blog promotion strategies in existence, and has been made perhaps even more popular by the success of “serial” guest posters such as Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing. His “blitzkrieg” strategy may come across to some as a triumph of quantity over strategy, but nothing could be further from the truth.

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What 60% of ProBlogger Readers Don’t Do that’s Central to My Blogging Success


A couple of weeks ago I ran a census of ProBlogger readers to help us work out how to serve you better in 2012. Thousands of people participated (thanks to everyone!), so I thought I’d share a few of the results that stood out to me. Some of them are based upon comparisons we made to last time we ran a similar survey, around two years ago. How many active blogs?

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Let's Get Physical: How to Blend Direct Mail Marketing with Your Digital Strategy

Speaker: Akeel Jabber, B2B SaaS Investor and Growth Marketer at Horizen Capital

⭐ Are you ready to boost campaign success? Consider the untapped potential of integrating direct mail marketing seamlessly with digital marketing strategies. Combining the physical, tangible impact of direct mail with the dynamic reach of digital marketing can be a game-changer, significantly increasing your ROI when done right. Direct mail grabs attention, making it great for reaching your target audience 📩 Digital marketing keeps the momentum going, driving action 📲 So.

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Blog Smarter: Don’t Just End Up Trading Hours for Dollars


This guest post is by Sunil of extramoneyblog.com. Many business owners leave or start their businesses thinking they can achieve more freedom only to find themselves toiling away in their businesses and thus having bought or created themselves another job. Blogging is no different for most bloggers. Many bloggers who enter the blogosphere with the intention of making money online and someday freeing themselves up from time commitments such as a 9 to 5 job often end up getting tied up to their b

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8 Blogging Lessons I Learned from Being Scammed by a Marketer


This guest post is by Chris The Traffic Blogger. This past month my fiancé and I went to a wedding expo. No, I am not one of those guys who lets the girl run around and do everything for the wedding! So I was there getting sold on everything from limos to flowers, and watching marketing at its finest (and worst). Most of the vendors practiced the art of scummy marketing—you know, making mediocre products look worth much more than they actually were.

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Cash In by Paying for Guest Posts


This guest post is by Carol Tice of Make a Living Writing. If you’re looking for a way to grab attention for your blog and grow your income, I’ve had great success with this one: I pay writers. Since May 2011, I’ve been paying $50 for guest posts on my blog. I started paying because my mission is to help writers earn more, and I needed to walk my talk.

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A Tale of Two Ebooks


This guest post is by Alexis Grant of The Traveling Writer. During the last six months, I’ve published two ebooks: one that’s selling wonderfully, and another that flopped. Why did one succeed, while the other—at least in sales terms—didn’t? What was the difference? It wasn’t a beautiful cover, nor a pre-launch sale, nor an impressive newsletter list.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.